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Boost Quaternions, Vectors, Matrices library
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Should Traits be Available for View Proxies? #35

Closed stellarpower closed 2 years ago

stellarpower commented 2 years ago


It seems that traits specialisations aren't available for view proxies. Is this by design? Or am I doing something wrong?

I found this in the context of writing some stream operator overloads. I wanted to use concepts to filter out the correct overoads, and in these scenarios, making a copy would be undesirable for the sole reason of outputting as I just take by const lvalue reference.

Should we be able to deduce whether a view proxy's type is (or can be converted to) a quaternion/vector/matrix, and deduce the dimensions and scalar types of these?

zajo commented 2 years ago

Try I should probably provide specializations for removing const automatically, but it seems appropriate that a ref isn't a vec/mat type.

stellarpower commented 2 years ago

Ohh, I'm just missing the decay! 😆

Interesting though as my overload should've taken a const T& and then required is_vec<T>::value. I should have a look in more detail where I lose the binding properly.

Maybe this could be added as one of the quirks/FAQs at the bottom of the docs? As we're interested largely in value types it seems somewhat unusual from a user perspective to differentiate between the two (it never occurred to me to think about the reference), but I appreciate that it may of course be needed internally.


zajo commented 2 years ago

That's why I'm saying, is_vec, is_mat etc. should get rid of the const automatically, and then your use case would have worked just fine. Does this sound right?

stellarpower commented 2 years ago

What I had in my original real code should have stripped the CV-qualifiers anyway, so I'm not entirely sure what happened. I just removed the copy from the proxy to a mat/vec and recompiled my original code, and it's now building again 🙄. If I have the time, I'll try to update a better MRE. I was also hitting a separate issue that is_vec<char[N]> is true, which then meant that string literals were being treated as QVM types and resulting in a second level of long errors.

Would a separate "concept" perhaps make sense, rather than modifying the original? One that decays the type, strips qualifiers, and is generally for less strict checking. Or perhaps something like is_convertible?

I was wondering what the thinking was behind not specialising for reference types. Thinking about it, I'm not sure where it wouldn't be appropriate for a T& to be treated as a q/v/m if a T can be - except explicitly in template arguments, etc. After all, once inside a function body and the referene is bound, referencing a T& is exactly like operating on a T on the stack.

zajo commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I've changed the definitions of is_vec, is_mat, is_quat to require is_scalar<T> to be true for their scalar type; and also changed is_scalar<char> to false (is_scalar<signed char> and is_scalar<unsigned char> are still both true). This makes is_vec<char[N]> false, as it should be.

I'll think about ref types, but this is a good change regardless.