boostorg / qvm

Boost Quaternions, Vectors, Matrices library
Boost Software License 1.0
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Issue with slerp'ing quaternions #43

Closed haraldF closed 1 year ago

haraldF commented 1 year ago

Trying to slerp two quaternions:

#include <boost/qvm/quat.hpp>
#include <boost/qvm/quat_access.hpp>
#include <boost/qvm/quat_operations.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main()
    const boost::qvm::quat<double> q1{0.0005261316933462083,0.01051085312843599,-0.0003732733078038091,0.9999445513722205};
    const boost::qvm::quat<double> q2{0.006719932961540192,-0.008611214157320685,0.003628245065324309,-0.9999337604709};
    const double t = 0.1891208547850313;

    auto result = boost::qvm::slerp(q1, q2, t);

    std::cerr << std::setprecision(16);
    std::cerr << boost::qvm::S(result) << "," << boost::qvm::X(result) << "," << boost::qvm::Y(result) << "," << boost::qvm::Z(result) << std::endl;

    return 0;

Results in


which is quite wrong. I've verified with some other libraries and the result should something like


I blindly hacked the code a bit and this works for me:

diff --git a/include/boost/qvm/quat_operations.hpp b/include/boost/qvm/quat_operations.hpp
index 7cf87f8..8a5bca5 100644
--- a/include/boost/qvm/quat_operations.hpp
+++ b/include/boost/qvm/quat_operations.hpp
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ slerp( A const & a, B const & b, C t )
     TR const one = scalar_traits<TR>::value(1);
     TR const threshold = one - one / scalar_traits<TR>::value(2000); //0.9995
     TR dp = dot(a,b);
-    if( dp > threshold )
+    if( std::abs(dp) > threshold )
         return normalized(a+(b-a)*t);
     if( dp < -one )
         dp = -one;

But I'm no mathematician so feel free to laugh at me if the above is naive ;)

haraldF commented 1 year ago

Looks like Eigen also takes the absolute of dp, see

haraldF commented 1 year ago

For what it's worth, here's what the Bing AI thinks the function should look like. Also takes the std::abs()...

static quat slerp(const quat& q1, const quat& q2, double t) {
        // Clamp t to [0, 1]
        t = std::clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0);

        // Normalize the input quaternions
        quat p = normalize(q1);
        quat r = normalize(q2);

        // Compute the cosine of the angle between them
        double cos_theta = dot(p, r);

        // If they are too close or too far apart,
        // use linear interpolation instead
        if (std::abs(cos_theta) >= 0.9995) {
            return normalize(std::lerp(p, r ,t));

         // Otherwise use spherical linear interpolation

         // Choose the shortest path between them
         if (cos_theta < 0) {
             cos_theta *= -1;
             r.x *= -1; r.y *= -1; r.z *= -1; r.w *= -1;

         // Compute the angle and its sine
         double theta = std::acos(cos_theta);
         double sin_theta = std::sin(theta);

         // Compute the weights for each quaternion
         double w_p = std::sin((1 - t) * theta) / sin_theta;
         double w_r = std::sin(t * theta) / sin_theta;

         // Return the interpolated quaternion
         return {w_p * p.x + w_r * r.x,
                 w_p * p.y + w_r * r.y,
                 w_p * p.z + w_r * r.z,
                 w_p * p.w + w_r * r.w};
zajo commented 1 year ago

Hang on, I'm investigating.

zajo commented 1 year ago

The issue is that when the angle between the two rotations is greater than pi (180 degrees), you might want to go through the short path or the long path on the sphere. Eigen always picks the short path, but with that approach the following QVM unit test fails:

This is the part that fails:

for( float a1=0; a1<6.28f; a1+=0.1f )
    test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qx1=rotx_quat(a1);
    test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qy1=roty_quat(a1);
    test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qz1=rotz_quat(a1);
    for( float a2=0; a2<6.28f; a2+=0.1f )
        test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qx2=rotx_quat(a2);
        test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qy2=roty_quat(a2);
        test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qz2=rotz_quat(a2);
        for( float t=0; t<1; t+=0.1f )
            test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qx=rotx_quat(a1*(1-t)+a2*t);
            test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qy=roty_quat(a1*(1-t)+a2*t);
            test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qz=rotz_quat(a1*(1-t)+a2*t);
            test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qsx=slerp(qx1,qx2,t);
            test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qsy=slerp(qref(qy1),qy2,t);
            test_qvm::quaternion<Q1> const qsz=slerp(qz1,qref(qz2),t);

Of course if the angles in this test are limited to pi (3.14) rather than 2*pi (6.28) the test succeeds with either implementation.

I'm tempted to change slerp to work like Eigen's slerp, in part because Shoemake (the original implementation) requires that the angle is less than pi, but I wonder if that change will break some user code, although it doesn't break anything in my engine.

I'll give it some more thought.

zajo commented 1 year ago

I think in order to avoid breaking user code it is best to not change QVM. If you want qvm::slerp to always take the short path, negate one of the input quats if the dot product is negative. Here is your program with this check added:

#include <boost/qvm/quat.hpp>
#include <boost/qvm/quat_operations.hpp>
#include <boost/qvm/quat_access.hpp>
#include <cstdio>

int main()
    boost::qvm::quat<double> q1 = { 0.0005261316933462083, 0.01051085312843599, -0.0003732733078038091, 0.9999445513722205 };
    boost::qvm::quat<double> q2 = { 0.006719932961540192, -0.008611214157320685, 0.003628245065324309, -0.9999337604709 };

    auto r = slerp(dot(q1, q2) < 0 ? -q1 : q1, q2, 0.1891208547850313);

    std::printf("%f, %f, %f, %f\n", S(r), X(r), Y(r), Z(r));

It outputs:

0.000844, -0.010152, 0.000989, -0.999948

(Of course in this particular program the dot check is redundant, since it is always negative).

haraldF commented 1 year ago

Thanks @zajo for looking into this. From what I understand, we should use the fast path if the angles are close together otherwise we rist numerical instability.

While I appreciate keeping backward compat, please understand that this has severe impact on user's code.

This is an example how slerp'ing a robot's path (consisting of poses and observations) with boost qvm looks like:


This is how it looks like after the patch (or with any other library, confirmed with Apple's simd or Eigen or three.js):


Notice the bump in the first image.

Thanks to your help I now know the workaround (unfortunately with a drop in performance, because the dot product will be computed twice). However, any new code will hit this issue.

I'd rather go for correct than backward compatibility, and one could argue that old code will perform better with less visual glitches if we apply the patch.

haraldF commented 1 year ago

FYI - three.js also negates the quaternion if the dot product is negative:

zajo commented 1 year ago

There are use cases for both definitions, consider slerping ever increasing angles, you'd get a discontinuity when crossing 180 degrees. It is simply a matter of convention.

The safest thing to do is add a function slerp2 which implements the short path behavior, so that slerp isn't changed. Would that be OK?

haraldF commented 1 year ago

@zajo I'd give it a more impressive name :) What's a feature that slerp2 has over slerp? smoothSlerp? symmetricSlerp? slerpLikeEigenDoes?

zajo commented 1 year ago
