boostorg / random random module
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Add Splitmix64 #89

Closed mborland closed 9 months ago

mborland commented 1 year ago

Adds the Splitmix64 generator from Sebastiano Vigna as described here. Will be used for the future implementation (generates the initial seed) of the xoroshiro family of PRNGs. The performance comparison of the STL and current Boost.Random random to Splitmix64 is shown below:

Running ./random_device
Run on (10 X 24.1211 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 64 KiB
  L1 Instruction 128 KiB
  L2 Unified 4096 KiB (x10)
Load Average: 1.41, 1.62, 1.84
Benchmark                                Time             CPU   Iterations
stl_random_device<unsigned>            499 ns          498 ns      1039378
boost_random_device<unsigned>          500 ns          500 ns      1399804
boost_splitmix64<std::uint64_t>       5.23 ns         5.23 ns    133605634
mborland commented 1 year ago

@NAThompson I assume you will have some interest in this since you have asked for other PRNGs before.

NAThompson commented 1 year ago

@mborland : std::random_device is a hardware TRNG, whereas splitmix64 is a PRNG right? Shouldn't the comparison be to (say) PCG32?

mborland commented 1 year ago

@mborland : std::random_device is a hardware TRNG, whereas splitmix64 is a PRNG right? Shouldn't the comparison be to (say) PCG32?

You are correct. Here is a more accurate comparison of 64-bit PRNGs:

Running ./random_device
Run on (10 X 24.0415 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 64 KiB
  L1 Instruction 128 KiB
  L2 Unified 4096 KiB (x10)
Load Average: 1.72, 2.10, 2.47
Benchmark                                Time             CPU   Iterations
stl_mt19937_64<std::uint64_t>          128 ns          128 ns      5110757
boost_mt19937_64<std::uint64_t>       72.0 ns         72.0 ns      9697574
boost_splitmix64<std::uint64_t>       38.2 ns         38.2 ns     18326430
NAThompson commented 1 year ago

@mborland : For some reason these numbers seem unreasonably slow. I expect mt19937_64 to execute in about 5 ns . . .

Edit: Sorry for the noise; I see that you call it 10x which is about right.

NAThompson commented 1 year ago

One unit test which might be useful: Generally for PRNGs, we have requirements like this one:


The Nth consecutive invocation of a default-constructed engine is required to produce the following value:

N The random engine type The value to produce
10000 std::mt19937 4123659995
10000 std::mt19937_64 9981545732273789042

Is there an analog for splitmix64? Of course, you could introduce your own definition and simply document it.

kotika commented 1 year ago

On Nov 27, 2022, at 23:00, Nick @.***> wrote: @NAThompson commented on this pull request.

In include/boost/random/splitmix64.hpp

@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/*

    • Copyright Sebastiano Vigna 2015. Did Sebastiano Vigna write this code?


1) you cannot safely use up more than a cubic root of the period of any generator. This generator's period is apparently less than 2^64 but its not stated how much exatly. A cubic root of that is ~2^21. Thus you must not use this generator in any program that will run longer than a millisecond. In particular, you would not use it to create large numbers of streams on a multiprocessor system.

2) This generator is not from Vigna, the authors are not known to be experts on rngs, and the principle of construction is obscure. It is neither an LCG, nor MRG, nor LFSR, nor counter based crypto. What is it exactly?

3) For industrial strength RNG on boost, use MIXMAX. It is parallelizable and splittable: boost::random::mixmax gen{seed1,seed2,seed3,seed4}; It is enough that at least one of the 32bit seeds is different by one bit. This gives you 2^128 guaranteed non-colliding streams that pass all tests.

Cheers, Kostas

========================================= Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics NCSR Demokritos

mborland commented 1 year ago


The primary use for this is to seed the xoshiro/xoroshiro family of generators as recommended by the authors here. The original C code is copyrighted by Vigna and David Blackman for the generators. I think it would be disingenuous to say that are not experts given the large amount of literature they have published on the subject. A large number of languages use these as their standard PRNG so I think it would be useful if we offered them as well.

swatanabe commented 1 year ago

On 11/28/22 14:56, Matt Borland wrote:

@mborland commented on this pull request.

  • template
  • void generate(FIter first, FIter last)

It is not a standard member in the STL, but the Boost versions have this functionality so for the sake of consistency I added it.

The reason it exists is to make every generator usable as a SeedSeq, for compatibility with ancient (pre-C++11) Boost.Random. It's not very relevant anymore.

swatanabe commented 1 year ago

On 11/27/22 20:53, Nick wrote:

Could you test that your implementation is compatible with various distributions? i.e., pipe it through std::normal_distribution and std::uniform_distribution and std::gamma_distribution?

It's very easy for an integer RNG to not meet the conceptual requirements to map into a continuous distribution.

Please do use the generic test harness for random engines. It has some obsolete functionality, like the iterator seed routines and the generate function that should probably not be supported for new engines and should be #ifdef'ed out in test_generator.ipp, but it will catch things like the missing seed_seq constructor and the missing seed function.

Also, the implementation of generate is wrong. generate is supposed fill a range with 32-bit values, regardless of the both the engine's value_type and the array's element type.

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

The primary use for this is to seed the xoshiro/xoroshiro family of generators as recommended by the authors here. The original C code is copyrighted by Vigna and David Blackman for the generators. I think it would be disingenuous to say that are not experts given the large amount of literature they have published on the subject. A large number of languages use these as their standard PRNG so I think it would be useful if we offered them as well.

+1, it's Java's default PRNG which is good enough reason to offer it as an option at least. It's drawbacks should be well documented though.

mborland commented 1 year ago

On 11/27/22 20:53, Nick wrote: Could you test that your implementation is compatible with various distributions? i.e., pipe it through std::normal_distribution and std::uniform_distribution and std::gamma_distribution? It's very easy for an integer RNG to not meet the conceptual requirements to map into a continuous distribution. Please do use the generic test harness for random engines. It has some obsolete functionality, like the iterator seed routines and the generate function that should probably not be supported for new engines and should be #ifdef'ed out in test_generator.ipp, but it will catch things like the missing seed_seq constructor and the missing seed function. Also, the implementation of generate is wrong. generate is supposed fill a range with 32-bit values, regardless of the both the engine's value_type and the array's element type.

The generic test harness is used and now passes on CI. I removed two of the obsolete constructor tests you mentioned. I ended up leaving the generate function in otherwise I would have to remove all of the concepts tests. They seem valuable to retain.

mborland commented 1 year ago

On Nov 28, 2022, at 23:53, Matt Borland @.***> wrote: Kostas, The primary use for this is to seed the xoshiro/xoroshiro family of generators as recommended by the authors here The original C code is copyrighted by Vigna and David Blackman for the generators. I think it would be disingenuous to say that are not experts given the large amount of literature they have published on the subject. A large number of languages use these as their standard PRNG so I think it would be useful if we offered them as well. I am in favor of including the generator of Vigna, but the fact that some generator needs another "good" generator to seed it is evidence that it has long internal decorrelation time, like the Mersenne Twister. And in fact Vigna's generators do have this unfortunate property. Ideally any new generators should be constructed with short decorrelation times and seeded by skipping along, like my generator. It needs neither non-linear seeding, nor an output scrambling function. At a practical level, why is this being done ahead of or instead of including an implementation of Vignas generator? Cheers, Kostas ========================================= Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics NCSR Demokritos

I separated this from the implementation of the other generators for ease of review. This is over 300 lines, and to include it as an implementation detail of the generators seemed unwieldy to me.

kotika commented 1 year ago

OK, I have a better idea now of what this thing is. Steele et al wrote a paper in 2014 suggesting to split random number streams by means of "pedigree". The pedigree idea is sound, but the realization was and is flawed. Same mistake was made by the authors of PCG, namely that you might create a new generator by changing the additive constant on the fly. Java even now ships with this flawed implementation of splitting, as far as i can tell. Since the state transition function is just uint64 state += c, so the period is indeed 2^64 for odd c.

Turns out not all constants are created equal and some lead to detectable flaws. Vigna wrote code based on a paper by Steele, and threw away the flawed idea of producing split streams by choosing a specific additive constant. Thats the "0x9E3779B97F4A7C15". He puts his copyright on -- justly so because he did not copy any code -- then you copy-paste and wrap it in boost, and put your own copyright onto it. Is this even kosher? The file has a Copyright at the top, even if lower down it has a Creative commons license. The license I suppose gives you the legal right to do so, but .... shouldn't it at least say the algorithm is by Steele et al? Some of the many versions of splitmix64 floating around the internet have

Fast Splittable Pseudorandom Number Generators Steele Jr, Guy L., Doug Lea, and Christine H. Flood. "Fast splittable pseudorandom number generators." ACM SIGPLAN Notices 49.10 (2014): 453-472.

Much of Steele's subsequent work on random numbers is patented and assigned to Oracle, btw. I am not thrilled about that either.

But is the algorithm really by Steele et al? It is state += c, plus an output=hash(state), where the hash-like function was invented by yet another person, Austin Appleby for MurmurHash3, and David Stafford, who modified the constants in MurmurHash3, in a blog post, based on dubious criteria.

On the contrary, Austin Appleby appears to be alive and well, developes his own original software which reads:

// MurmurHash3 was written by Austin Appleby, and is placed in the public // domain. The author hereby disclaims copyright to this source code.

uint64_t fmix64 ( uint64_t k ) { k ^= k >> 33; k = BIG_CONSTANT(0xff51afd7ed558ccd); k ^= k >> 33; k = BIG_CONSTANT(0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53); k ^= k >> 33;

return k; }

mborland commented 1 year ago

@kotika There is already a link to the paper on ACM from Steele et. al. in the comments at the top of the file.

@jzmaddock, @swatanabe, and @NAThompson I think this is good for review. This passes CI using the existing generic test harness and concept tests with tailoring for C++11 as recommended by Steve.

NAThompson commented 1 year ago

@swatanabe : @mborland is now in the employ of boost. Would you mind giving him maintainer access in order that he could merge a few of his MRs?

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

Actually @swatanabe agreed to this off list, sorry been busy with other things, just give Matt write access now.

NAThompson commented 9 months ago

@mborland : LGTM. Merge it.