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Adaptors: returning underlying container iterator (root) of adapted range (view) #114

Open trueqbit opened 3 years ago

trueqbit commented 3 years ago

When I keep using iterators of adapted ranges (aka views) I find it very useful not having to use range_iterator::base() in order to access the underlying container iterator and currently iterated object.

I often find code like

if (auto rng = find<return_found_end>(c | transformed(std::bind(&Object::name, _1)), v))
    const Object& o = *rng.begin().base();
    // ...
// or
if (auto it = find(c | transformed(std::bind(&Object::name, _1)), v);
    it.base() != c.end())
    const Object& o = *it.base();
    // ...

Yes, it's just a matter of adding the call to .base(), however I always find less clutter to be worthwhile. The issue gets more obvious the more adaptors get chained.
Instead the intent can be expressed by additional enum range_return_value values.

Currently this is exactly what I am doing, using this header file:

#pragma once
#include <boost/range/detail/range_return.hpp>

namespace kj

inline constexpr auto return_base_found = boost::range_return_value(boost::return_begin_end + 1);
inline constexpr auto return_base_found_end = boost::range_return_value(return_base_found + boost::return_found_end);


namespace boost

template<typename SinglePassRange>
struct range_return<SinglePassRange, kj::return_base_found>
    using iterator = typename range_iterator<SinglePassRange>::type;
    using type = typename iterator::base_type;

    static type pack(iterator found, SinglePassRange&)
        return found.base();

template<typename SinglePassRange>
struct range_return<SinglePassRange, kj::return_base_found_end>
    using iterator = typename range_iterator<SinglePassRange>::type;
    using base_iterator = typename iterator::base_type;
    using type = boost::iterator_range<base_iterator>;

    static type pack(iterator found, SinglePassRange& rng)
        return type(found.base(), boost::end(rng).base());


But extending the range_return handling in this way isn't perfect, and I think others can benefit as well.

That's why I propose extending enum range_return_value with the following enum values:


At the very least I'd like to see a function, e.g. named root_of(), which walks the adaptor iterator chain and returns the root iterator, such that ...

    const Object& o = *root_of(it);

... works transparently no matter how many iterator are layered on top of each other.