boostorg / range range module
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Unmerged changes #62

Open pdimov opened 6 years ago

pdimov commented 6 years ago

The develop branch has a number of unmerged changes in addition to the fixes that have piled on top, and a maintainer needs to take a look at them and merge to master.

neilgroves commented 6 years ago

I am the maintainer, and can merge these to master once the push_back issue is solved. The reason there is a backlog of unmerged items is that there were a number of changes to address modularisation and decoupling that altered detail interfaces that I used in the implementations. The movement of headers and code due to the modularisation work meant that I could not easily merge my changes into master. I believe that my dependencies are now more consistent between develop and master. There are probably also tickets that I could have cherry-picked. My preferred procedure is to have develop working and discover a good version which I merge cleanly and simply to master. I see this sort of pile-up and delay in application, at least to some fraction of those commits that are outstanding, to be an inherent cost of the modularisation effort. Obviously I have the usual issue of never having as much spare time as I would have liked, otherwise I would have picked out the commits that could have been put onto master long ago. I will get the merge done to master when it is unfrozen.

pdimov commented 6 years ago

Thanks Neil.

mclow commented 6 years ago

Looking forward to having constexpr begin and end on master.

jeking3 commented 5 years ago

What is the status of this issue?