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Issue with any_range and type erasure (in optimized code only) #73

Closed rolesen closed 4 years ago

rolesen commented 5 years ago

When a range is transformed into a new type and then "type erased" it gives an invalid range in optimized code only. See provided examples.

Using either the implicit conversion to any_range or the type erasure adaptor doesn't seem to make a difference.

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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/type_erased.hpp>

struct A {
  virtual void hello() {}
  int i = 0;

struct B : public A {
  double d = 0.0;

B* cast_to_B(A* a_ptr) {
    return static_cast<B*>(a_ptr);

double timesOneHalf(int in){
    return 1.5 * in;

void example_1() {//type transformation of int to double (including calculation)
    std::vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3};
    auto range = boost::make_iterator_range(vec.begin(), vec.end());
    auto range_transformed = range | boost::adaptors::transformed(timesOneHalf);

    boost::any_range<double, boost::iterators::bidirectional_traversal_tag> range_typeerased = range_transformed;//WARNING: function returns address of local variable

    std::cout << "transformed: " << *range_transformed.begin() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "type erased: " << *range_typeerased.begin() << std::endl;//seg fault or prints wrong value (should be 1.5) (when compiled with optimization)

    std::cout << "end of exampe 1" << std::endl;

void example_2() {//polymorphic type transformation example
    std::vector<A*> vec{new B, new B, new B};
    auto range = boost::make_iterator_range(vec.begin(), vec.end());
    auto range_transformed = range
    | boost::adaptors::transformed(cast_to_B);

    auto range_typeerased = range_transformed | boost::adaptors::type_erased<B*, boost::iterators::bidirectional_traversal_tag, B*, std::ptrdiff_t>();//WARNING: function returns address of local variable

    if (*range_transformed.begin() != *vec.begin()) {//OK (no type erasure involved yet)
      std::cout << "ASSERT 1: should have been the same" << std::endl;

    if (*range_typeerased.begin() != *vec.begin()) {//<--segmention fault or the assert fires (when compiled with optimization)
      std::cout << "ASSERT 2: should have been the same" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "end of exampe 2" << std::endl;

int main()

  std::cout << "Main finished!" << std::endl;
rolesen commented 5 years ago

I might add that it is also an issue when compiling with MSVC.

mjendruk commented 5 years ago

This issue was already posted 5 years ago in the Boost issue tracker:

I would also like to see this fixed.

Edit: The bug was probably introduced in: 79d2a66831af16f29befaa4d32461928b9431a15

fdidoux commented 3 years ago

IMHO the fix didn't fully solve the issue. At least, the code provided by rolesen still doesn't compile (even with gcc 11 and boost 1.76, which as far as I can see, contains the PR) - and same with Msvc 2019 (16.9.4)