boostorg / redis

An async redis client designed for performance and scalability
Boost Software License 1.0
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Cannot build on macos #72

Closed upsilona closed 1 year ago

upsilona commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone,

I'm in the process of trying boot::redis (master, latest commit), unfortunately I'm facing build errors on macos (no errors on Linux),

include/boost/redis/adapter/detail/adapters.hpp:54:15: error: variable has incomplete type 'const void'
   auto const res = std::from_chars(, + std::size(sv), d);

Looking at the charconv header I can see the function is deleted by default, and overrided with several types later,

void from_chars(const char*, const char*, bool, int = 10) = delete;

I'm not sure to understand what's wrong here, anyone facing this issue ? Did Boost::redis has already been tested on MacOS ?

I'm using Macos, Darwin-22.3.0 (arm64), AppleClang, Boost 1.81.0,


mzimbres commented 1 year ago

Can you show me the code you are trying to build?

upsilona commented 1 year ago

Here is the code I'm trying to build

#include <iostream>

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/redis.hpp>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    std::string host = "";
    std::string port = "6379";

    boost::redis::request request;
    request.push("HELLO", 3);
    request.push("PING", "Hello world!");

    boost::redis::response<boost::redis::ignore_t, std::string, boost::redis::ignore_t> response;

    return 0;

NB : I'm linking this code with a CMake target I previsouly created, in order to compile <boost/redis/src.hpp>

mzimbres commented 1 year ago

I can build this code with clang++-14 on linux, both c++ 17 and c++20. Currently I have no CI setup for macos so I would have to look around to set one

It is very strange that code is causing the problem, the variables host, port, request and response are all independent from each other, can you reduce it even further?

The line the error is occurring is pointing to an unrelated function

void boost_redis_from_bulk(double& d, std::string_view sv, system::error_code& ec)
   auto const res = std::from_chars(, + std::size(sv), d);
   if ( != std::errc())
      ec = redis::error::not_a_double;

I have to think more.

upsilona commented 1 year ago

Indeed, simply having the redis header is enough to fail,

This doesn't compile :

//#include <iostream>

//#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/redis.hpp>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

//    std::string host = "";
//    std::string port = "6379";
//    boost::redis::request request;
//    request.push("HELLO", 3);
//    request.push("PING", "Hello world!");
//    request.push("QUIT");
//    boost::redis::response<boost::redis::ignore_t, std::string, boost::redis::ignore_t> response;

    return 0;
upsilona commented 1 year ago

Apparently apple-clang doesn't support from_chars with floating point (it's working with integer), see this link for further info

mzimbres commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the information. I am considering using my old implementation for clang < 15. You can either try to comment out the code that is not compiling or replace it with

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>

auto parse_double(
   char const* data,
   std::size_t size,
   boost::system::error_code& ec) -> double
   static constexpr boost::spirit::x3::real_parser<double> p{};
   double ret = 0;
   if (!parse(data, data + size, p, ret))
      ec = error::not_a_double;

   return ret;

void from_bulk(
   double& d,
   std::string_view sv,
   boost::system::error_code& ec)
void from_bulk(double& d, std::string_view sv, boost::system::error_code& ec)
   d = parse_double(, sv.size(), ec);
mzimbres commented 1 year ago

To reproduce on linux

clang++-14 examples/cpp17_intro.cpp -I ./include/ -I /opt/boost_1_81_0/include/ -stdlib=libc++ -lc++abi -std=c++17

I will add libc++ to the build pipeline. The needed debian packages are libc++-14-dev and libc++abi-14-dev

upsilona commented 1 year ago

Build is now OK on macos for me, thanks a lot !!