boostorg / release-tools

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Upload release to S3 #44

Closed sdarwin closed 12 months ago

sdarwin commented 12 months ago

Hi @mclow, this code uploads a release to S3 for the new website. (, There are multiple test environments. It uploads the files to each of the necessary destinations. The process is slow but it can be run in the background and just let it finish.

I have launched an "admin" linux server in the cloud which could be used for admin tasks such as this one. If you would like to run the script from the server, to save network bandwidth, send me your SSH public key.

rclone installation instructions:

wget dpkg -i rclone-v1.64.0-linux-amd64.deb

I will send you AWS credentials in Slack, to put in ~/.aws/credentials

Open Issues:

It appears the boost website hosts the releases and beta releases with the following names/paths:
archives/boost_1_83_0 archives/boost_1_83_0_beta1

There is no record of a rc release candidate in the archives/ directory on wowbagger? By default, archives (including rc and beta) would be unzipped in the form "boost_1_83_0". It requires an extra step to rename the directory "boost_1_83_0_beta1". is doing that now for a beta release. Release candidates remain with the name "archives/boost_1_83_0".