boostorg / release-tools

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Merge github releases functionality into #59

Open sdarwin opened 7 months ago

sdarwin commented 7 months ago

@mclow This PR adds github releases to It includes a few more optional flags: enable debug. disable github releases. others. The script could be modified to hardcode any of the choices. For example, set "--dry-run-github" to True in the script itself.
The 'progress' flag was interesting. I have enabled that in the script. Could be reverted if you prefer.

Consider this section of the wiki:

git tag boost-1.78.0
git submodule foreach 'git tag boost-1.78.0'
git push origin boost-1.78.0
git submodule foreach 'git push origin boost-1.78.0'

GitHub Releases require tags. Therefore the script automates the tagging process. However, it can work just as well with the --no-tags option, as long as git tag is run prior to So that's the choice: either manually run git tag first, or allow the script to handle tagging (which is probably better).