boostorg / serialization serialization module
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boost serialization can not be sc stoped in windows platform #283

Closed gucoi closed 1 year ago

gucoi commented 1 year ago

i use boost serialization like below, but the class definition in the DLL, and exe used for communication between two ends, but when i use the sc stop to shutdown my windows exe, it throw a abort, like below this, i check the stack, not found my code in this.

struct base {
    virtual std::string get_name () {
        return STRUCT_STR(base);
    template<class Archive>
    void serialize(Archive &ar, const int version) {

struct A : public base {
    virtual std::string get_name () {
        return STRUCT_STR(A);
    template<class Archive>
    void serialize(Archive &ar, const int version) {
        ar & boost::serialization::base_object<base>(*this);

struct B : public A {
    B(int _e) {e = _e;}
    B() {}
    virtual std::string get_name () {
        std::cout << e;
        return STRUCT_STR(B);

    template<class Archive>
    void serialize(Archive &ar, const int version) {
        ar & boost::serialization::base_object<A>(*this);
        ar & e;
        ar & p;

    int e;
    ProcessStatus p = UNINITIALIZED;

void register_oa_class_type(boost::archive::text_oarchive& oa) {

void register_ia_class_type(boost::archive::text_iarchive& ia) {


boost::serialization::singleton<std::set<boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster const * __ptr64,boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster_compare,std::allocator<boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster const * __ptr64> > >::is_destroyed

i don't know it is a issue or not, but in the linux platform, so -> binary, it's not found this question, if you have any answer about the this question or special usage in windows.

Thanks very much.

gucoi commented 1 year ago

my boost version is the 1.79.0, windows is the AMD64

robertramey commented 1 year ago

Is this still a problem? If so, please include a freestanding test which illustrates the problem. Given what you've written above, this should not be difficult

robertramey commented 1 year ago

fixed and merged