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X3: Rules do not pass-through attributes #444

Closed Xeverous closed 5 years ago

Xeverous commented 5 years ago

IMO this is an unwanted bug, as copies of various AST subparts can be expensive. It's also nowhere stated in the documentation that types need to be copyable.

I don't have an MCVE now (ask me if you want any, I will try to reduce my project as long as it reproduces). The error message (template backtrace) points to spirit implementation:

../src/parser/ast.hpp:243:8:   required from 'static bool boost::spirit::x3::detail::rule_parser<Attribute, ID>::call_rule_definition(const RHS&, const char*, Iterator&, const Iterator&, const Context&, ActualAttribute&, ExplicitAttrPropagation) [...]
[...]/boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp:61:39:   required from 'bool boost::spirit::x3::rule_definition<ID, RHS, Attribute, force_attribute_>::parse(Iterator&, const Iterator&, const Context&, boost::spirit::x3::unused_type, Attribute_&) const [...]
../src/parser/grammar_def.hpp:256:1:   required from 'bool fs::parser::parse_rule(fs::parser::grammar_type, Iterator&, const Iterator&, const Context&, Attribute&) [...]
../src/parser/grammar.cpp:13:1:   required from here
[...]/mingw64/include/c++/8.2.0/bits/stl_construct.h:75:7: error: use of deleted function 'fs::parser::ast::action_expression::action_expression(const fs::parser::ast::action_expression&)'

digging the implementation (x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp, lines 56-66):

    template <typename Iterator, typename Context, typename Attribute_>
    bool parse(Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
      , Context const& context, unused_type, Attribute_& attr) const
        return detail::rule_parser<attribute_type, ID>
                rhs, name, first, last
              , context
              , attr
              , mpl::bool_<force_attribute>());

then (x3/nonterminal/detail/rule.hpp, lines 295-349)

    template <typename RHS, typename Iterator, typename Context
      , typename ActualAttribute, typename ExplicitAttrPropagation>
    static bool call_rule_definition(
        RHS const& rhs
      , char const* rule_name
      , Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
      , Context const& context, ActualAttribute& attr
      , ExplicitAttrPropagation)

        typedef traits::make_attribute<Attribute, ActualAttribute> make_attribute;

        // do down-stream transformation, provides attribute for
        // rhs parser
        typedef traits::transform_attribute<
            typename make_attribute::type, Attribute, parser_id>

        typedef typename make_attribute::value_type value_type;
        typedef typename transform::type transform_attr;
        value_type made_attr = make_attribute::call(attr); // HERE IS THE COPY
        transform_attr attr_ = transform::pre(made_attr);

        bool ok_parse
          //Creates a place to hold the result of parse_rhs
          //called inside the following scope.
         // Create a scope to cause the dbg variable below (within
         // the #if...#endif) to call it's DTOR before any
         // modifications are made to the attribute, attr_ passed
         // to parse_rhs (such as might be done in
         // traits::post_transform when, for example,
         // ActualAttribute is a recursive variant).
#if defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG)
            context_debug<Iterator, transform_attr>
            dbg(rule_name, first, last, attr_, ok_parse);
            ok_parse = parse_rhs(rhs, first, last, context, attr_, attr_
               , mpl::bool_
                 < (  RHS::has_action
                   && !ExplicitAttrPropagation::value
        if (ok_parse)
            // do up-stream transformation, this integrates the results
            // back into the original attribute value, if appropriate
            traits::post_transform(attr, std::forward<transform_attr>(attr_));
        return ok_parse;


template <typename Attribute>
struct make_attribute_base
    static Attribute call(unused_type)
         // synthesize the attribute/parameter
        return Attribute();

    template <typename T>
    static T& call(T& value)
        return value; // just pass the one provided

The core of the problem lies on these 2 lines

    value_type made_attr = make_attribute::call(attr);
    transform_attr attr_ = transform::pre(made_attr);

make_attribute::call() default-constructs the attribute if originally it was unused, but copies it instead if it was. At first I though that the library wants to preserve the state of the attribute (in case it's already partially filled) but ... no, the copy that is just made is then passed to transform::pre which doesn't do anything with the argument and returns a default-constructed object of type transform_attr. made_attr is never used anymore which makes it essentially a useless copy. At the end, attr (the orginal user object) is move-constructed from attr_.

Kojoley commented 5 years ago

I also spotted this while answering this question (you can look there to find a workaround). This should be copied from Qi and I am not sure why Qi having it. May be it was copied to rule from action without a reason or... because transform_attribute have to pass-trough as reference but actually in Qi it creates a value. Last time I was trying to modify Qi to make rules to pass-through attribute reference it turns to be a very big change and still a lot of work left so I gave up, but for X3 I think it should be much easier. The other thing is that make_attribute looks redundant even in action because transform_attribute::pre also returns a default constructed value if actual attribute type differs.

Xeverous commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the answer and the info, but unfortunately the workaround by hijacking make_attribute trait through specialization does not work. Apparently Spirit copies in more places.

Now I hit this:

namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace x3 { namespace traits
    template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
    struct value_initialize
        static T call()
            return boost::value_initialized<T>();

value_initialized is a class that simply holds T. The struct has defined user convertion to T& and const T& which is applied upon function return which copies the value. I don't get why it is used here - why don't just return T()?

Now regarding the make_attribute - is this ever needed? All the library wants is to apply type transformations to make attribute match user expectations. But it does not do it purely through traits but functions which return/create copies of the value. Actually the library is lucky in most places due to implicit moves on the returned object. The code above is one of such places where it is not that lucky.

Xeverous commented 5 years ago
namespace boost::spirit::x3::traits {
template <>
struct value_initialize<ast::condition_expression, void>
    static ast::condition_expression call()
        return {}; // instead of return boost::value_initialized<T>()

This + make_attribute specialization workarounds the bug

Kojoley commented 5 years ago

value_initialized ... I don't get why it is used here - why don't just return T()?, most likely it was copied from Qi; IIUC since C++11 it is obsolete and can be replaced with brace initialization (value_init documentation has reference 1 to brace initialization paper) though it is not exactly the same thing.

Now regarding the make_attribute - is this ever needed?

Yes and no. Yes - it is needed for actions when there is no actual value. No - it can be (and in X3 it is) done in transform::pre as I said above.

Xeverous commented 5 years ago

Can you estimate how much would be needed to be done to refactor things like make_attribute::call() so that only pure traits are used with no value copies? I might make a pull request for it but I don't think I have fully grasped what is the purpose of them.

Kojoley commented 5 years ago

It should be a trivial PR if there are no pitfalls. Make transform::pre use value_initialize trait, pass the argument directly to transform::pre, remove make_attribute trait, change value_type usages to type (or may be even auto&&?) remove value_type typedef from transform (and type if auto&& works). But there is a side problem, it is a breaking change, though I think it is permissible here (I believe make_attribute was almost always used for workarounds, they can be ported to transform).

cppljevans commented 5 years ago

It should be a trivial PR if there are no pitfalls.


And Xeverous, if you do make the PR, it would relieve some of the pressure Nikita might feel to do it. Nikita's been doing most if not all the PR's recently (for the last year or so) and he probably would appreciate some help.

Also, since you would be newly aware of the difficulty of understanding the code without adequate documentation, you could alleviate future such problems by providing better documentation using this newly, and probably painfully acquired, valuable knowledge!!!

djowel commented 5 years ago

I always wished I had more time. I'm sorry for the inadequate documentation. Nevertheless, I'm still monitoring these threads and feel free to ask any direct questions and I'll try my best to answer them, or at least provide leads to some answers.

And as always, I appreciate Nikita's wonderful work!

Xeverous commented 5 years ago

you could alleviate future such problems by providing better documentation using this newly, and probably painfully acquired, valuable knowledge!!!

Ahh, this is so true. I have found multiple inaccuracies in examples or stuff that is missing, especially for new people. I have started my journey with X3 directly, without any prior experience with previous versions and even by looking at documentation volume I was confused whether X3 is just the parser or actually Spirit V2 so well simplified. And the fact that the last post on Spirit's own website is from CppNow 2015.

So, to briefly reveal my painfully acquired knowledge - things that I really found valuable but nowhere mentioned in documentation:

cppljevans commented 5 years ago

. . .

* I have a suspicion that there is something wrong with `x3::context` definition itself because the code compiles but my IDE underlines almost any instantiation of it as invalid template arguments. I guess this is related to `const unused_type` issue.

Could you be more specific by, for example, by providing a link to the const unused_type issue and possibly the code exhibiting the problem?

Kojoley commented 5 years ago

1) Most of Boost libraries are header-only, so the libraries that require building are exceptions and there is a list of them there also note on but not in X3 documentation itself. Actually I would like to remove occasional filesystem usages as well as RTTI (there are cheaper ways to do the same), but I am mostly spending time in fixing bugs right now. 2) If you see that something can be improved you can open an issue for it. 3) There was somewhere post from @djowel on how to use compiler error to show the context type, but decltype is your best friend here (you can even make a prebuild step with it that will generate a header file with a correct instantiation type for you). 4) Most likely your IDE have a bad highlighter, since C++11 you need a real compiler to parse C++ (because of constexprs and autos).

I am going to hide off-topic messages, please open a PR for documentation problems.

Xeverous commented 5 years ago

@Kojoley regarding 4: I'm using Eclipse CDT and it has a really good built-in parser, it does parse macros (I can even fully browse ~1500 expansion steps of fusion adapt macro), templates and correctly recognizes SFINAE so if there is anything that it highlights as error it is almost always a true compiler error unless it encountered something that is not yet supported (C++14 user-defined literals and C++17 CTAD and fold expressions). Following the code with the parser has actually helped me to track down what exactly in Spirit source code copies attributes. I will try to track the issue with context_type to find when and why it is underlined.

Xeverous commented 5 years ago


Xeverous commented 5 years ago

Minimal code that reproduces the issue:

#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;

namespace ast
    struct block
        block() = default;

        block(const block&) = delete;
        block& operator=(const block&) = delete;

        block(block&&) = default;
        block& operator=(block&&) = default;

        int number = -1;
        std::vector<char> chars;
        std::vector<block> nested_blocks;

    using ast_type = block;

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::block, number, chars, nested_blocks)

using block_type = x3::rule<struct block_class, ast::block>;

const block_type block = "block";
const auto block_def = x3::int_ > '{' > (x3::char_ % ',') > *block > '}';

int main()
    std::string input = R"(
    1 {
        a, b, c

        11 {
            d, e, f
    2 {
        x, y, z

    auto first = input.begin();
    const auto last = input.end();

    ast::ast_type ast;
    if (x3::phrase_parse(first, last, block, x3::space, ast)) {
        std::cout << "success:\n";
    else {
        std::cout << "fail!\n";

I thought about adding test with this code but in this case it's not about whether test passes or not but whther is compiles or not.

cppljevans commented 5 years ago

Minimal code that reproduces the issue:


I thought about adding test with this code but in this case it's not about whether test passes or not but whther is compiles or not.

My compile of this code shows the compile fails because ast has no default CTOR. How is that related to some issue with context_type or unused_type?

Kojoley commented 5 years ago

@cppljevans context stuff is not about the original issue, it is an offtopic. The MWE @Xeverous provided is about the original issue.

Xeverous commented 5 years ago

@cppljevans edited example, added explicit default ctor

Kojoley commented 5 years ago

Fixed by #449 + #452.