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X3 lacks 'lazy' parser #530

Open voivoid opened 5 years ago

voivoid commented 5 years ago


X3 lacks auxiliary 'lazy' parser despite X3's docs state the opposite:

Please add the lazy parser or update the docs.


sehe commented 4 years ago

Came up with a Proof Of Concept idea on Stackoverflow (

Posting here for inspiration/idea forming

I thought I would try my hand here.

What is needed is some type-erasure around the iterator and attribute types. This is getting very close to the interface of a qi::rule in the old days.

To be complete we could actually also erase or transform contexts (e.g. to propagate the skipper inside the lazy rule), but I chose for simplicity here.

In many cases the parsers to be lazily invoked might be lexemes anyways (as in the sample I will use)

In our use-case, let's parse these inputs:

integer_value: 42
quoted_string: "hello world"
bool_value: true
double_value: 3.1415926

We'll use a variant attribute type, and start with creating a lazy_rule parser that will allow us to erase the types:

using Value = boost::variant<int, bool, double, std::string>;
using It    = std::string::const_iterator;
using Rule  = x3::any_parser<It, Value>;

Passing The Lazy Subject Around

Now, where do we "get" the lazy subject from?

In Spirit Qi, we had the Nabialek Trick. This would use qi::locals<> or inherited attributes, which basically both boiled down to using Phoenix lazy actors (qi::_r1 or qi::_a etc) to evaluate to a value from parser context at runtime.

In X3 there is no Phoenix, and we will have to manipulate the context using semantic actions ourselves.

The basic building block for this is the x3::with<T>[] directive¹. Here's what we'll end up using as the parser:

x3::symbols<Rule> options;

Now we can add any parse expression to the options, by saying e.g. options.add("anything", x3::eps);.

auto const parser = x3::with<Rule>(Rule{}) [
    set_context<Rule>[options] >> ':' >> lazy<Rule>

This adds a Rule value to the context, which can be set (set_context) and "executed" (lazy).

Like I said, we have to manipulate the context manually, so let's define some helpers that do this:

template <typename Tag>
struct set_context_type {
    template <typename P>
    auto operator[](P p) const {
        auto action = [](auto& ctx) {
            x3::get<Tag>(ctx) = x3::_attr(ctx);
        return x3::omit [ p [ action ] ];

template <typename Tag>
struct lazy_type : x3::parser<lazy_type<Tag>> {
    using attribute_type = typename Tag::attribute_type; // TODO FIXME?

    template<typename It, typename Ctx, typename RCtx, typename Attr>
    bool parse(It& first, It last, Ctx& ctx, RCtx& rctx, Attr& attr) const {
        auto& subject = x3::get<Tag>(ctx);

        It saved = first;
        x3::skip_over(first, last, ctx);
        if (x3::as_parser(subject).parse(first, last,
                                         std::forward<RCtx>(rctx), attr)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            first = saved;
            return false;

template <typename T> static const set_context_type<T> set_context{};
template <typename T> static const lazy_type<T> lazy{};

That's really all there is to it.

Demo Time

In this demo, we run the above inputs (in function run_tests()) and it will use the parser as shown:

auto run_tests = [=] {
    for (std::string const& input : {
            "integer_value: 42",
            "quoted_string: \"hello world\"",
            "bool_value: true",
            "double_value: 3.1415926",
        Value attr;
        std::cout << std::setw(36) << std::quoted(input);
        if (phrase_parse(begin(input), end(input), parser, x3::space, attr)) {
            std::cout << " -> success (" << attr << ")\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << " -> failed\n";

First we will run:

options.add("integer_value", x3::int_);
options.add("quoted_string", as<std::string> [
        // lexeme is actually redundant because we don't use surrounding skipper yet
        x3::lexeme [ '"' >> *('\\' >> x3::char_ | ~x3::char_('"')) >> '"' ]

Which will print:

"integer_value: 42"                  -> success (42)
"quoted_string: \"hello world\""     -> success (hello world)
"bool_value: true"                   -> failed
"double_value: 3.1415926"            -> failed

Now, we can demonstrate the dynamic nature of that parser, by extending options:

options.add("double_value", x3::double_);
options.add("bool_value", x3::bool_);


And the output becomes:

"integer_value: 42"                  -> success (42)
"quoted_string: \"hello world\""     -> success (hello world)
"bool_value: true"                   -> success (true)
"double_value: 3.1415926"            -> success (3.14159)

Note, I threw in another helper as<> that makes it easier to coerce the attribute type to std::string there. It's an evolution of ideas in earlier answers

Full Listing Live On Coliru

See it Live On Coliru

#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;

namespace {
    template <typename T>
    struct as_type {
        template <typename...> struct Tag{};

        template <typename P>
        auto operator[](P p) const {
            return x3::rule<Tag<T, P>, T> {"as"} = x3::as_parser(p);

    template <typename Tag>
    struct set_lazy_type {
        template <typename P>
        auto operator[](P p) const {
            auto action = [](auto& ctx) {
                x3::get<Tag>(ctx) = x3::_attr(ctx);
            return x3::omit [ p [ action ] ];

    template <typename Tag>
    struct do_lazy_type : x3::parser<do_lazy_type<Tag>> {
        using attribute_type = typename Tag::attribute_type; // TODO FIXME?

        template <typename It, typename Ctx, typename RCtx, typename Attr>
        bool parse(It& first, It last, Ctx& ctx, RCtx& rctx, Attr& attr) const {
            auto& subject = x3::get<Tag>(ctx);

            It saved = first;
            x3::skip_over(first, last, ctx);
            if (x3::as_parser(subject).parse(first, last,
                                             std::forward<RCtx>(rctx), attr)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                first = saved;
                return false;

    template <typename T> static const as_type<T>       as{};
    template <typename T> static const set_lazy_type<T> set_lazy{};
    template <typename T> static const do_lazy_type<T>  do_lazy{};

int main() {
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << std::left;

    using Value = boost::variant<int, bool, double, std::string>;
    using It    = std::string::const_iterator;
    using Rule  = x3::any_parser<It, Value>;

    x3::symbols<Rule> options;

    auto const parser = x3::with<Rule>(Rule{}) [
        set_lazy<Rule>[options] >> ':' >> do_lazy<Rule>

    auto run_tests = [=] {
        for (std::string const input : {
                "integer_value: 42",
                "quoted_string: \"hello world\"",
                "bool_value: true",
                "double_value: 3.1415926",
            Value attr;
            std::cout << std::setw(36) << std::quoted(input);
            if (phrase_parse(begin(input), end(input), parser, x3::space, attr)) {
                std::cout << " -> success (" << attr << ")\n";
            } else {
                std::cout << " -> failed\n";

    std::cout << "Supporting only integer_value and quoted_string:\n";
    options.add("integer_value", x3::int_);
    options.add("quoted_string", as<std::string> [
            // lexeme is actually redundant because we don't use surrounding skipper yet
            x3::lexeme [ '"' >> *('\\' >> x3::char_ | ~x3::char_('"')) >> '"' ]

    std::cout << "\nAdded support for double_value and bool_value:\n";
    options.add("double_value", x3::double_);
    options.add("bool_value", x3::bool_);


Printing the full output of:

Supporting only integer_value and quoted_string:
"integer_value: 42"                  -> success (42)
"quoted_string: \"hello world\""     -> success (hello world)
"bool_value: true"                   -> failed
"double_value: 3.1415926"            -> failed

Added support for double_value and bool_value:
"integer_value: 42"                  -> success (42)
"quoted_string: \"hello world\""     -> success (hello world)
"bool_value: true"                   -> success (true)
"double_value: 3.1415926"            -> success (3.14159)

¹ sadly the documentation is missing in action

Kojoley commented 4 years ago

What is needed is some type-erasure around the iterator and attribute types.

There is any_parser that does it.

sehe commented 4 years ago

@Kojoley Dang. I remember seeing that thing and not knowing a use for it. I'll fiddle with it sometime to simplify the code there.

sehe commented 4 years ago

@Kojoley Indeed.

Using x3::any_parser shaves off 25 lines of code (and adds the context support and test-cases).

For future comparison: before vs after.

Cheers! Answer and Github comment updated

syyyr commented 4 years ago

Hello, is there any chance the lazy parser gets implemented? My use-case is parsing strings, which I get dynamically from a class I inject via the x3::with directive. Here is sample code how I would use the lazy parser:

#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>

struct MyClass {
    // this first return some sort of a runtime information
    // example: the first returns files on disk and the other returns directories
    std::vector<std::string> getString1();
    std::vector<std::string> getString2();

struct class_tag;
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;

struct String1 {
    std::string m_value;

struct String2 {
    std::string m_value;

template<typename Context>
auto createString1Parser(Context& ctx) {
    auto strings = x3::get<class_tag>(ctx).getString1();
    x3::symbols<String1> symTable;
    for (const auto& string : strings) {
        symTable.add(string, String1{string});
    return symTable;

template<typename Context>
auto createString2Parser(Context& ctx) {
    auto strings = x3::get<class_tag>(ctx).getString2();
    x3::symbols<String2> symTable;
    for (const auto& string : strings) {
        symTable.add(string, String2{string});
    return symTable;

x3::rule<class Rule_Class, boost::variant<String1, String2>> parser;

auto const parser_def = createString1Parser | createString2Parser; // createStringParser is supposed to be called at runtime

int main() {
    auto injectedParser = x3::with<class_tag>(MyClass());

What I've been doing until now was use this grammar:

x3::rule<class String1_class, String1> string1;
x3::rule<class String2_class, String2> string2;
auto const string1_def = +x3::char_;
auto const string2_def = +x3::char_;
auto const parser_def = string1 | string2;

then validating the strings in String1_class::on_success and String2_class::on_success against MyClass::getString1 and MyClass::getString2 respectively and manually failing the parsers through _pass(ctx) = false; if I didn't get any matches. The main is that having essentially +x3::char_ | +x3::char_ creates an ambiguity and the parser and I don't want that (it creates problems in more complex parsers).

I tried to use the lazy parser implementation posted here and I was not able to use it to accomplish what I wanted to do (also the "after" version in the last post doesn't seem to work).

What do you think about this? Or maybe I should use a different approach?


Kojoley commented 4 years ago

There is no Phoenix integration in X3, it would need some other interface and since it is much easier to create customs parsers with X3 I am not sure all that would be worth it.

@syyyr recreating x3::symbols is a heavy task I will not recommend doing that at run-time until required and if you have to there might be a better option. Anyway, will x3::with<tag>(x3::symbols<?>())[populate_syms >> lazy<tag>] work for you?

syyyr commented 4 years ago

@Kojoley I was able to change lazy to work a little bit differently: it constructs an object of type ParserCreator (the template argument) and then calls its operator() with the context (which could be injected with x3::with). The operator() then returns a symbol table (or it could be any parser), which is then used to parse. Here is an example. In this code, two types of parsers are dynamically created: both iterate the current directory and create a symbol table. The first one fills with filenames of files and the other fills it with filenames of directories. After the parsing ends, I'm able to differentiate whether a File was parsed or a Directory was parsed.

#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;

template <typename ParserCreator>
struct lazy_type : x3::parser<lazy_type<ParserCreator>> {
    using attribute_type = typename ParserCreator::attribute_type;

    template<typename It, typename Ctx, typename RCtx, typename Attr>
        bool parse(It& first, It last, Ctx& ctx, RCtx& rctx, Attr& attr) const {
            return x3::as_parser(ParserCreator{}(ctx))
                        first, last,
template <typename T> static const lazy_type<T>        lazy{};

struct File {
  std::string m_value;

struct Directory {
  std::string m_value;

struct FileParser {
    using attribute_type = File;
    template <typename Context> auto operator()(Context &ctx) {
        x3::symbols<File> sym;
        std::cout << "files:";
        for (const auto & entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(".")) {
            if (!entry.is_regular_file()) {
            auto filename = entry.path().filename().string();
            std::cout << " " << filename;
            sym.add(filename, File{filename});
        std::cout << "\n";
        return sym;
struct DirectoryParser {
    using attribute_type = Directory;
    template <typename Context> auto operator()(Context &ctx) {
        x3::symbols<Directory> sym;
        std::cout << "directories:";
        for (const auto & entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(".")) {
            if (!entry.is_directory()) {
            auto filename = entry.path().filename().string();
            std::cout << " " << filename;
            sym.add(filename, Directory{filename});
        std::cout << '\n';
        return sym;

x3::rule<class Rule_Class, boost::variant<File, Directory>> parser;
auto const parser_def = lazy<FileParser> | lazy<DirectoryParser>;

int main() {
    using namespace std::string_literals;
    std::cout << "What to parse: ";
    std::string input;
    std::cin >> input;
    auto it = input.begin();
    boost::variant<File, Directory> attr;
    auto res = x3::parse(it, input.end(), parser, attr);
    if (!res) {
        std::cout << "failed to parse" << std::endl;
        return 0;
    if (attr.type() == typeid(File)) {
      std::cout << "\ninput was parsed as File" << std::endl;
    } else {
      std::cout << "\ninput was parsed as Directory" << std::endl;

Now, I'm not saying exactly this should be implemented in Spirit, but please let me know what you think about this approach.

Edit: More info: I know that I could just create the symbols before the parsing begins, but the point is that maybe I do want to inject some more stuff into the parser (using x3::with) and generate the lazy parser based on that.

Kojoley commented 4 years ago

Now, I'm not saying exactly this should be implemented in Spirit, but please let me know what you think about this approach.

I think that you can turn FileParser/DirectoryParser into a X3 parser (inherit from x3::parser, rename operator() into parse and change return sym; into return sym.parse(...);) and there will be no need in lazy.

syyyr commented 4 years ago

Thank you, I will try that.

sehe commented 2 years ago

@Kojoley Indeed.

Using x3::any_parser shaves off 25 lines of code (and adds the context support and test-cases).

For future comparison: before vs after.

Cheers! Answer and Github comment updated

Oh, :derp: The any_rule version lacked skipping. Thanks to @olx for noticing. Fixed some more afterer