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X3: Provide documentation for different encodings/unicode usage #614

Open NomAnor opened 4 years ago

NomAnor commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm a new X3 user and I want to parse UTF-8 encoded souce code. The documentation has no explanation to do that (or rather no mention if there is something you have to look out for?).

I'm confused by the source code. There are the namespaces standard, standard_wide, ascii, iso8859_1 and unicode. What exactly do these mean? Some are named after encodings, then there is standard and unicode seems to mean UTF-32.

I would guess that as long as I use UTF-8 encoded input, my char type is char and I can use std::string. And for specifying literal parsers I should use x3::lit(u8"") to get the right utf-8 byte sequences. x3::char_(u8'') should work too as long as the character has a single byte representation.

The documentation states that the character class parsers

Matches a character based on the equivalent of std::isalnum in the current character set

How does that work with different encodings? Can I specify the locale myself instead of using the default one?

Can you add a documentation page explaining all this?

Kojoley commented 4 years ago

Spirit will not decode your UTF-8 input. I cannot say how the things are working, moreover, from my point of view, currently Spirit allows to do a lot of wrong things, but using character parsers from any namespace with u8 literal is wrong, and should not compile in my opinion.

What should work: decode your data into UCS-4 (it can be done on the fly via decoding iterators), and use character parsers from x3::unicode namespace (like x3::unicode::char_(0xABCDE), 'U' literals seems to be not working #573).

unicode seems to mean UTF-32

Unicode is a character set, and UTF-32 is an character encoding.

The documentation states that the character class parsers

Matches a character based on the equivalent of std::isalnum in the current character set

How does that work with different encodings?

Character set and character encoding are different things.

Unfortunately, they are messed in Spirit too, what creates more confusion.

NomAnor commented 4 years ago

I didn't use some terminology correctly. I couldn't resist to find out myself so I took a deep dive into C++ strings. I'm still alive and this is what I found out. Most is based on so not exactly the standard but hopefully close enough.


A Character set is a list of characters grouped together by someone. What exactly counts as a character is not always intuitive (combining characters for example). Examples: ASCII, ISO8859-X, Unicode.

A code point is a number given to every character so we can use them with computers.

An encoding is a way to store the code points. The basic blocks of storage are called code units. A character set can have multiple encodings but older character sets often have only one encoding so its not always clear if one talks about the character set or the encoding.

The standard library deals with three different strings:

The locale is used to encapsulate all cultural differences (number formating, time formatting, character categories, etc.) and the encoding to use (this is important for character classification). Character classes (e.g. std::isalnum) use the global locale or the specified one. The default global locale is the C locale using ASCII with ASCII encoding. The character classification only works with code points and so can only be used with null-terminated byte strings.

Spirit usage

I would use these rules as guidelines on how to use Spirit correctly. If I'm wrong please correct me:

TLDR; Only use null-terminated byte strings and the ISO8859-1 encoding in conjuction with the iso8859_1 namespace if everything should work out of the box.

Spirit issues

The non-wide namespaces contain overloads for wchar_t for example

Can somebody explain why? An ASCII encoded wchar_t doesn't make sense for me.

How to implement the numeric parsers correctly to work with bigger encodings (char32_t)? I didn't test them in this setup. Will do if I find the time.

Are there other parser that might be problematic?

The standard namepace seems to be the default. The restrictions on char null-terminated byte strings and the necessity to set the correct global locale in this setup should definitly be documented. Because UTF-8 is compatible with ASCII means everything seems to work until you have non-ASCII characters in your input.

If my findings are correct I'm willing to put this post in a new documentation page and make a pull request.

Kojoley commented 4 years ago

All character parsers will only work with null-terminated byte strings

I am not sure I understand you. There is no such limitation. There is actually an opposite issue/missing feature -- no optimized handling of zero-terminated strings.

Integer parsers only work with ASCII Float parsers probably the same as Integer. Bool parsers are the same as character parsers (case insensitive comparing)

Happily most (if not every) charsets are built as ASCII extension and are subsets of ASCII.

The non-wide namespaces contain overloads for wchar_t for example

Yes, and it bothers me.

Can somebody explain why? An ASCII encoded wchar_t doesn't make sense for me.

For me to, and I also has not received answer why it was done so. It is on my todo list for a long time.

The standard namepace seems to be the default

This is a thing I do not like either. The most convenient solution (and because of the issue above) is to guess a proper parser.

Because UTF-8 is compatible with ASCII means everything seems to work until you have non-ASCII characters in your input.

Yup, that's why I think it should fail at compile time, but it is only possible on distinct char8_t.

djowel commented 4 years ago

Spirit will not decode your UTF-8 input. I cannot say how the things are working, moreover, from my point of view, currently Spirit allows to do a lot of wrong things, but using character parsers from any namespace with u8 literal is wrong, and should not compile in my opinion.

Agreed. These are the things that should be tightened.

What should work: decode your data into UCS-4 (it can be done on the fly via decoding iterators), and use character parsers from x3::unicode namespace (like x3::unicode::char_(0xABCDE), 'U' literals seems to be not working #573).

Yes, this is how x3::unicode is supposed to be used.

djowel commented 4 years ago

Happily most (if not every) charsets are built as ASCII extension and are subsets of ASCII.

The non-wide namespaces contain overloads for wchar_t for example

Yes, and it bothers me.

Can somebody explain why? An ASCII encoded wchar_t doesn't make sense for me.

For me to, and I also has not received answer why it was done so. It is on my todo list for a long time.

To be honest, I do not recall anymore. @Kojoley, do you know if it is something inherited from Qi? Or is this just an X3 quirk?

djowel commented 4 years ago

The standard namepace seems to be the default

This is a thing I do not like either. The most convenient solution (and because of the issue above) is to guess a proper parser.

What do you think should be default? Sorry, I am probably not parsing your statement correctly.

Kojoley commented 4 years ago

To be honest, I do not recall anymore. @Kojoley, do you know if it is something inherited from Qi? Or is this just an X3 quirk?

Inherited from Qi.

What do you think should be default? Sorry, I am probably not parsing your statement correctly.

x3::char_(L'a') == x3::standard_wide::char_(L'a') and x3::char_(U'a') == x3::unicode::char_(U'a'). u'a' should also go into x3::unicode, I think.

djowel commented 4 years ago

To be honest, I do not recall anymore. @Kojoley, do you know if it is something inherited from Qi? Or is this just an X3 quirk?

Inherited from Qi.

What do you think should be default? Sorry, I am probably not parsing your statement correctly.

x3::char_(L'a') == x3::standard_wide::char_(L'a') and x3::char_(U'a') == x3::unicode::char_(U'a'). u'a' should also go into x3::unicode, I think.

That makes a lot of sense. Let's go for it! Also, let's break away from Qi and do the right thing.

NomAnor commented 4 years ago

I did some tests and this is a list of things I would change. Some were already mentioned.

Character classifications not working with ISO8859-1

Normally char is used for ISO8859-1 which can be signed resulting in negative code units. The char_class uses the Encoding::char_type which is char and not Encoding::classify_type which is unsigned char. It also does not always convert the template Char type to this type.

Here the encoding::ischar() does no conversion and only works because

is specifically coded to work with negative values. There should be a cast to Encoding::classify_type as is used in

Here an explicit cast is used but the target type is not classify_type. The char_cast seems to be there so the signed types are handled correctly but again, the target type is the same as the source type.

I'm not sure if the char_cast is necesarry (because it is not used in the case compare classes) or if a simple cast to the target type is enough. I think some unification for all casts is necessary.

standard namespace works with char32_t

The std::is* functions used by the standard namespace will only work correctly with char. But because of the above casts and integer promotion (char32_t -> int, all Encoding::is* functions use int instead of classify_type) using x3::standard::alpha with an std::u32string compiles.

Using the standard namespace with anything else than char should give a compile error.

The standard_wide, ascii, iso8859_1 and unicode namespaces have the same problem. They should give comile errors if their char_type is not wchar_t/char/char32_t. One could argue that the unicode namespace could work with char because of compatibility with ASCII/Latin-1 for those bytes but I think the user should be explicit about this and do his own cast.

I'm not sure where the best place is to put a static_assert for this.

Number parsers work correctly

What I said earlier is not correct. They work as long as the encoding used is compatible with ASCII. They compare the template Char type with literal characters with does integer promotion and will work correctly. Would it be considered 'best practice' to replace the character literals with u8 character literals so the encoding is guaranteed by the standard?

bool parser have no unicode namespace

I don't see why it is missing, should be simple to add.

Maybe only char and string parsers need the namespaces and all other parser are considered ASCII compatible like the number parsers.

ascii::lit() works with ISO8859-1 characters

The literal_char class uses the case compare classes. These just compare the values but the set of ASCII characters is smaller than the set of char values. I think there should be an ischar() test.