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X3: Refine roll back iterator policy #704

Open Kojoley opened 2 years ago

Kojoley commented 2 years ago

A long time ago I had an idea about rich and low overhead error reporting and it did not work out because parsers roll back iterator in some unexpected places (like sequence parsers) which prevents easy way to locate the error location, while in other cases iterators are not rolled back when it is logically expected, most prominent is alternative parser (see The story is most likely more complicated because of skippers (see

If I solved the puzzle correctly in my head we need to roll back the iterator only in alternative parser + (some?) repeat/container parsers and also extract skipper execution from end-parsers to sequence parser + repeat/container parsers.

djowel commented 2 years ago

The fundamental rules for parsing are as follows (

Here are the basic rules for parsing:

If this is not applied consistently, then it is a bug (or the doc should be updated). I recall a time when a suggestion was to make the rule that If unsuccessful, then first position is undefined. I don't recall the details now, but I recall having numerous difficulties with that behavior.

That said, sure, you can investigate further. It can probably also be done such that each parser can have its own "unsuccessful first policy".

Kojoley commented 2 years ago
  • If successful, the parsed attribute is assigned to attr

I am pretty sure optional parser violates that.

  • If unsuccessful, first is reset to its position before entering the parser function. ...

I think it is not done in every parse function because it will mean a lot of reskipping.

  • If unsuccessful, ... attr is untouched.

This is clearly violated by container parsers (hello backtracking #703!).

djowel commented 2 years ago

This is clearly violated by container parsers (hello backtracking #703!).

Agreed. It's a good chance to refine the rules then. Those are excellent observations.

djowel commented 2 years ago

I think it is not done in every parse function because it will mean a lot of reskipping.

I think this should be refined with skipping in mind.

Kojoley commented 2 years ago

I also should note that the linked documentation is about Qi and I was not proposing to touch it nor I have a such desire.

djowel commented 2 years ago

I also should note that the linked documentation is about Qi and I was not proposing to touch it nor I have a such desire.

Sure, but general Qi rules should also apply to X3 as intended.

Kojoley commented 2 years ago
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace boost::spirit::x3;

    char const* it = "Hello World", * const e = it + std::strlen(it);

    if (phrase_parse(it, e, "Hello" >> ("Joel" | no_skip["World"]), ascii::blank))
        std::clog << "success\n";
        std::clog << "fail\n";

A curious question: what this example is expected to print?

djowel commented 2 years ago

Primitives do the pre-skip. "Joel" pre-skips. When it fails, it resets the iterator. no_skip["World"] should also fail bc. it points to white space and "World" will not skip. So it should fail too and the whole alternative should fail.

I did not test. Just based on the parsing rules. It can be argued that the skipper may or may not apply to the reset iterator rule because conceptually, phrase_parse works on lexemes, not characters.

Kojoley commented 2 years ago

Primitives do the pre-skip. "Joel" pre-skips. When it fails, it resets the iterator. no_skip["World"] should also fail bc. it points to white space and "World" will not skip. So it should fail too and the whole alternative should fail.

Yeah, that's how I read the rules in too, but in reality it succeeds on both X3 and Qi

The thing is that no_skip by definition is a time machine, it affects something that is done before it.

Kojoley commented 2 years ago

I brought that up because if I simply add an iterator roll back to alternative parser (to fix #703) that will change behavior of that example, but I genuinely think that pre-skipping should be done in sequence parser and not in primitive parsers because it is logically happens there and that will also fix #551, but such a change will make impossible to implement no_skip.

djowel commented 2 years ago

I brought that up because if I simply add an iterator roll back to alternative parser (to fix #703) that will change behavior of that example, but I genuinely think that pre-skipping should be done in sequence parser and not in primitive parsers because it is logically happens there and that will also fix #551, but such a change will make impossible to implement no_skip.

Good point on the sequence parser doing the pre-skipping. I suppose that observation also applies to all sequence-like parsers such as +P and *P and all repeats. Something to ponder on... I kinda tend to agree. Do you see any potential backward compatibility problems?

djowel commented 2 years ago

Good point on the sequence parser doing the pre-skipping. I suppose that observation also applies to all sequence-like parsers such as +P and *P and all repeats. Something to ponder on... I kinda tend to agree. Do you see any potential backward compatibility problems?

Ah, one possible difficulty is that the sequence parsers will need to know about its children such as no_skips, but yes it can be done.

djowel commented 2 years ago

Yeah, that's how I read the rules in too, but in reality it succeeds on both X3 and Qi

The thing is that no_skip by definition is a time machine, it affects something that is done before it.

I suppose the rule can be refined such that on unsuccessful parse, the iterator will be positioned at the original position, and on phrase-parse, applying the skipper thereafter.