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X3: `variant` support for container parsing #715

Open Bockeman opened 2 years ago

Bockeman commented 2 years ago

This code fails to compile:

#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/ast/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>

namespace x3        = boost::spirit::x3;
namespace ast {
  struct tagged_string  : std::string   {};
  enum token_enum   {lcomment, rcomment};
  struct tagged_token   {token_enum token;};
  struct comment_item   : x3::variant<tagged_string, tagged_token>
    {using base_type::base_type;using base_type::operator=;};
  struct comment    : std::vector<comment_item>{};
  struct start_item : x3::variant<comment>
    {using base_type::base_type; using base_type::operator=;};
  struct start      : std::vector<start_item>   {using std::vector<start_item>::vector;};
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::tagged_token,        token)
namespace grammar {
  x3::symbols<ast::token_enum>  lcomment_token;
  x3::symbols<ast::token_enum>  rcomment_token;
  x3::rule<struct lcomment, ast::tagged_token>  const lcomment      = "lcomment";
  x3::rule<struct rcomment, ast::tagged_token>  const rcomment      = "rcomment";
  x3::rule<struct comment,  ast::comment>       const comment       = "comment";
  x3::rule<struct start_rule,   ast::start>     const start_rule    = "start_rule";

  auto const lcomment_def   = lcomment_token;               // /*
  auto const rcomment_def   = rcomment_token;               // */

  // Compile fails:
  auto const comment_def    = lcomment >> *(x3::char_ - rcomment) >> rcomment;  // /* ... */

  // Compiles ok:
  //auto const comment_def  = lcomment >> (x3::rule<class id>{}=*(x3::char_ - rcomment)) >> rcomment;   // /* ... */

  auto const start_rule_def = x3::no_skip[+comment];    // 1 ... ;

  BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(lcomment, rcomment, comment, start_rule);
int main() {
  char const*           iter    = "/*c*/", * const end  = iter + std::strlen(iter);
  ast::start            ast;
  grammar::lcomment_token.add   ("/*",      ast::lcomment);
  grammar::rcomment_token.add   ("*/",      ast::rcomment);
  return !parse(iter, end, grammar::start_rule, ast) || iter!=end;

But if the text between the delimiters is wrapped as a separate rule, then it does compile.

_This is a simplified version, where in reality tagged_string is not just a std::string but contains addition tagging information._

Kojoley commented 2 years ago

That's about variant support for containers parsing:

#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/ast/variant.hpp>
int main() {
    namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
    char const* iter = "/*c*/", * const end = iter + std::strlen(iter);
    x3::variant<std::string, bool> x;
    x3::parse(iter, end, +x3::char_, x);