boostorg / spirit spirit module
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Test #774

Closed Flamefire closed 9 months ago

Flamefire commented 9 months ago

Combines #766, #767 & #773 to verify CI passes.

Not intended to be merged, rather merge the above PRs.

Flamefire commented 9 months ago

@Lastique Boost.TypeIndex (transitively included by Boost.Variant) and Boost.Variant have dropped C++03 support, see e.g. & This makes at least the tests incompatible with msvc-10/11/12 and both have stopped running the appveyor test for those. Maybe Spirit should just follow.

Besides this all looks good so the individual PRs should be fine to finally merge!

djowel commented 9 months ago

@Lastique Boost.TypeIndex (transitively included by Boost.Variant) and Boost.Variant have dropped C++03 support, see e.g. boostorg/type_index@b9815d3 & boostorg/variant@7b45064 This makes at least the tests incompatible with msvc-10/11/12 and both have stopped running the appveyor test for those. Maybe Spirit should just follow.

Besides this all looks good so the individual PRs should be fine to finally merge!

Agreed. Tell me if it is safe to merge now.

Flamefire commented 9 months ago

I have created #775 for that, so I think you can merge, &

I'd suggest merging #775 & #773 first, then either #766 or #767 then rebase the other one to make sure CI now passes.

For your convenience I updated this PR with your changes to #767 and included the appveyor fix here, so if this passes here you can just merge all the above 4 and be sure CI will pass eventually.

Flamefire commented 9 months ago

@djowel Looks good so,, & can all be merged and this PR can be closed.

djowel commented 9 months ago

Merged. Feel free to close. Many thanks, everyone!

djowel commented 9 months ago

Please monitor the tests to ensure everything is fine.

Flamefire commented 9 months ago

All green :partying_face:

djowel commented 9 months ago

All green 🥳


Lastique commented 9 months ago

Please, don't forget to merge to master.