boostorg / stacktrace

C++ library for storing and printing backtraces.
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Function name sometimes contains null character #78

Closed bluescarni closed 5 years ago

bluescarni commented 5 years ago


I am using MSVC 2019 with the default backend (dbgeng), and occasionally the function name ends with the null character \0. A simplified example:

::boost::stacktrace::stacktrace st(...);

for (auto it = st.crbegin(); it != st.crend(); ++it) {
  if (it->name().find('\0') != ::std::string::npos) {
    std::cout << "Null character found!\n";

The null character seems to be at the end of it->name(), and it seems to happen when the function name is quite long. It is happening, for instance, with a function called

piranha::detail::series_add_term_table<1,1,1,1,0,piranha::series<piranha::polynomials::packed_monomial<int,void>,mppp::rational<1>,void,void>,absl::flat_hash_map<piranha::polynomials::packed_monomial<int,void>,mppp::rational<1>,piranha::detail::series_key_hasher,piranha::detail::series_key_comparer,std::allocator<std::pair<piranha::polynomials::packed_monomial<int,void>const ,mppp::rational<1> > > >,piranha::polynomials::packed_monomial<int,void>,int>

The identical code on OSX with the default backend does not seem to have this issue, so the problem seems to be confined to the dbgeng backend.