boostorg / stacktrace

C++ library for storing and printing backtraces.
422 stars 70 forks source link

message box blocks the build on CI #79

Closed SSE4 closed 5 years ago

SSE4 commented 5 years ago

running b2 boost 1.70.0 build on the appveyor blocks CI with the following message box:

[Window Title]

This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action. Please install an app or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Apps Settings page.


it turns out that b2 launches some batch file:

cmd.exe /Q/C "C:\Users\sse4\AppData\Local\Temp\jam228-00-00.bat"

which has the following contents:

C:\.conan\29f42e\1\boost\bin.v2\libs\stacktrace\build\msvc-14.1\dbg\thrd-mlt\WinDbgCached_exe.pdb C:\.conan\29f42e\1\boost\bin.v2\libs\stacktrace\build\msvc-14.1\dbg\thrd-mlt\WinDbgCached_exe.exe > C:\.conan\29f42e\1\boost\bin.v2\libs\stacktrace\build\msvc-14.1\dbg\thrd-mlt\WinDbgCached.output

which doesn't appear to be a valid command line. I run b2 with the following command line:

C:\.conan\1dd93b\1\boost_1_70_0\tools\build\b2.exe  target-os=windows architecture=x86 address-model=32 binary-format=pe abi=ms --layout=system -sBOOST_BUILD_PATH=C:\.conan\1dd93b\1\boost_1_70_0\tools\build -sNO_ZLIB=0 -sNO_BZIP2=0 -sNO_LZMA=1 -sNO_ZSTD=1 runtime-link=shared threading=multi link=static variant=debug --without-python toolset=msvc  -j12 --abbreviate-paths -d2 --debug-configuration --build-dir="C:\.conan\29f42e\1"

and b2 build stuck with the following output:

Building the Boost C++ Libraries.

    - C++11 mutex              : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_auto_declarations : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_constexpr : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_defaulted_functions : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_final : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_hdr_mutex : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_hdr_tuple : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_lambdas : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_noexcept : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_nullptr : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_rvalue_references : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_template_aliases : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_thread_local : yes
    - Boost.Config Feature Check: cxx11_variadic_templates : yes
    - has_icu builds           : no
warning: Graph library does not contain MPI-based parallel components.
note: to enable them, add "using mpi ;" to your user-config.jam
    - zlib                     : yes
    - bzip2                    : yes
    - iconv (libc)             : no
    - iconv (separate)         : no
    - icu                      : no
    - icu (lib64)              : no
    - native-atomic-int32-supported : yes
    - message-compiler         : yes
    - native-syslog-supported  : no
    - pthread-supports-robust-mutexes : no
    - compiler-supports-ssse3  : yes
    - compiler-supports-avx2   : yes
    - gcc visibility           : no
    - long double support      : yes
warning: skipping optional Message Passing Interface (MPI) library.
note: to enable MPI support, add "using mpi ;" to user-config.jam.
note: to suppress this message, pass "--without-mpi" to bjam.
note: otherwise, you can safely ignore this message.
    - libbacktrace builds      : no
    - addr2line builds         : no
    - WinDbg builds            : yes

complete log:

/cc @apolukhin @grafikrobot

apolukhin commented 5 years ago

I see nothing suspicious in the Jamfile. @grafikrobot could you help me out and take a look at the

SSE4 commented 5 years ago

this doesn't happen in 1.71.0, probably fixed somewhere in between

apolukhin commented 5 years ago

Great! Closing