boostorg / stacktrace

C++ library for storing and printing backtraces.
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Not getting line numbers with addr2line #97

Closed eyalroz closed 1 year ago

eyalroz commented 4 years ago

I'm building this program based on the first example in the documentation:


#include <boost/stacktrace.hpp>
#include <iostream>

void bar(int n) {
    if (n <= 0) {
        // ... somewhere inside the `bar(int)` function that is called recursively:
        std::cout << boost::stacktrace::stacktrace();

int main() {

I'm using Boost 1.73.0, downloaded built and installed on my Devuan GNU/Linux Beowulf (~= Debian Buster but without systemd) machine. I have both libbacktrace and addr2line installed, and the default compiler is g++-8.3.0 . I'm compiling with -g.

I get:

$ ./plain_vanilla 
 0# 0x000055DBD3E2B4BB in ./plain_vanilla
 1# 0x000055DBD3E2B4E9 in ./plain_vanilla
 2# 0x000055DBD3E2B4E9 in ./plain_vanilla
 3# 0x000055DBD3E2B4E9 in ./plain_vanilla
 4# 0x000055DBD3E2B4E9 in ./plain_vanilla
 5# 0x000055DBD3E2B51A in ./plain_vanilla
 6# __libc_start_main in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
 7# 0x000055DBD3E2B3CA in ./plain_vanilla

I expect to get the line numbers... shouldn't I get them?

narodnik commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the same problem and have tried everything. There should be an addendum in the documentation because the default behaviour I get doesn't match what I see in the docs output (just the binary name, not filename:lineno).

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/stacktrace.hpp>

int foo(bool xx)
    std::cout << boost::stacktrace::stacktrace();
    return 22;

int main()
    return 0;
$ g++ -DBOOST_STACKTRACE_USE_ADDR2LINE  -ggdb -rdynamic bb.cpp -o bb -lboost_stacktrace_addr2line -ldl -O0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -lboost_stacktrace_addr2line && ./bb
 0# foo(bool) in ./bb
 1# main in ./bb
 2# __libc_start_main in /usr/lib/
 3# _start in ./bb
$ g++  -g -rdynamic bb.cpp -o bb -ldl  && ./bb
 0# foo(bool) in ./bb
 1# main in ./bb
 2# __libc_start_main in /usr/lib/
 3# _start in ./bb

I tried many different variations of the switches and so on but always the output is the same.

ivanarh commented 4 years ago

The code that uses addr2line to get a source file and line is broken: See We pass addr_ field as an argument to addr2line executable. addr_ is a virtual address of instruction (return address from stack) But addr2line can't work with virtual address, it accepts only offset within executable (or offset within section with the option).

addr2line translates addresses into file names and line numbers. Given an address in an executable or an offset in a section of a relocatable object, it uses the debugging information to figure out which file name and line number are associated with it.

To be honest, I'm not sure that this feature has ever worked.

eyalroz commented 4 years ago

@ivanarh :

To be honest, I'm not sure that this feature has ever worked.


  1. how did it make it into the Boost release? :-(
  2. Shouldn't it be removed?
ivanarh commented 4 years ago

how did it make it into the Boost release? :-(

I don't know exactly. But I suspect that it's happened because boost stacktrace uses GNU libbacktrace from gcc to determine line numbers. Addr2line is used as a fallback when libbacktrace is disabled during compilation or getting a line number has failed.

Shouldn't it be removed?

It's a question for stacktrace maintainer(s). I hope it may be fixed easily, all we need is to perform easy arithmetic with Dl_info structure fields: It has dli_fbase field, all we need is to substract it from addr_ value before passing to addr2line.

Kidsunbo commented 3 years ago

I find that on linux, if I only use header-only version. Everything works fine. If linking with library is the only option, do not link with boost_stacktrace_addr2line and link with boost_stacktrace_backtrace, the line number will show up as well.

ja2142 commented 1 year ago

To be honest, I'm not sure that this feature has ever worked.

It did (and still does) work for binaries that aren't position independent.

I find that on linux, if I only use header-only version. Everything works fine.

With BOOST_STACKTRACE_USE_ADDR2LINE I get unresolved addresses whether I link to boost_stacktrace_addr2line (with BOOST_STACKTRACE_LINK defined) or not.

There are two, somewhat separate problems I see with current boost_stacktrace_addr2line on linux (assuming gcc, but clang seems to work the same in that regard):

Here are options for anyone wanting to just get stacktraces:

Fedr commented 1 year ago

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