boostorg / system system module
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there is no warning number '4351' #96

Closed marakew closed 1 year ago

marakew commented 1 year ago

MSVC seems unsupport this warning

iam use MSVC 19/ 14.29.30133 cl.exe Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.29.30146 for x64 with -std:c++20

so i got

boost/system/detail/error_category.hpp(53): warning C4619: #pragma warning: there is no warning number '4351'

pdimov commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce this. I'm trying the following program

#include <boost/system.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << _MSC_FULL_VER << std::endl;

under VS 2019, and there's no warning. (The output is 192930146, so it's the same version of the compiler.)

marakew commented 1 year ago

yes i have the same _MSC_FULL_VER output let me do small research about warning

marakew commented 1 year ago

iam enable many warning for cl.exe so with /w14619 i got - there is no warning number '4351'

pdimov commented 1 year ago

Yes, it looks like 4619 is disabled by default. There's another warning, 4616, for warning numbers that are even more invalid. :-)

It seems that warning 4351 has been removed in VS 2015 and later, so I'll disable it only for earlier versions.

marakew commented 1 year ago

ok will wait fix in upstream

pdimov commented 1 year ago

Should be fixed with

marakew commented 1 year ago

i mean at master of boost system @ 9a6d79b 8 days ago still not update

pdimov commented 1 year ago

Yes, I will update master as well, once CI passes on develop.

marakew commented 1 year ago

it seems ok, can be close issue