boostorg / thread thread module
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Move <threadapi> definition to Boost.Build #172

Closed karzhenkov closed 6 years ago

karzhenkov commented 6 years ago

This is last step of moving <threadapi> and its auto-detection rule to Boost.Build. Previous PRs are boostorg/build#251 and boostorg/boost#166.

viboes commented 6 years ago

But that this mean that the interface has changed now and that the user needs to use threadapi-feature?

karzhenkov commented 6 years ago

The module threadapi-feature.jam is new, so there is no problem. The name of feature it defines is still <threadapi>.

viboes commented 6 years ago


It is not working yet.

viboes commented 6 years ago

I've applied the patches locally and the build works on my macos. However the test doesn't work.

There are some changes on test/Jamfile.v2 that I have not.

viboes commented 6 years ago

It is better after doing the cleanup as described here test/Jamfile.v2

karzhenkov commented 6 years ago

test/Jamfile.v2 is the same in boostorg/thread@f67e6d4 and boostorg/thread@b128586, isn't it?

Did you add <conditional> to Jamroot?

viboes commented 6 years ago

Yes, sorry, I didn't read correctly.

And yes, I did it locally.

karzhenkov commented 6 years ago

I can't reproduce the error you got. With clean checkout of top-level develop branch (boostorg/boost@3f32a98) test is started normally. There is no message "error: No best alternative for libs/thread/build/thread_sources". Could you check again?

viboes commented 6 years ago

I said "It is better after doing the cleanup as described here test/Jamfile.v2"

karzhenkov commented 6 years ago

test/Jamfile.v2 in develop is reverted to state it had before #160. The cleanup you point to does actually this rollback.

Did I miss something? Is there still the test error?

viboes commented 6 years ago

Everything is ok :)

Thanks for working on this.