boostorg / thread thread module
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Tolerable delay in interruptible_wait on Win32 is too long #348

Open BrukerJWD opened 3 years ago

BrukerJWD commented 3 years ago

We have a thread that shall perform small actions in various time intervals. We implemented it with a condition_variable::wait_for(interval):

bool terminating = false;
void workerMain() {
    while (true) {
        interval = calculate_time_until_next_action();
        if (condition_variable.wait_for(lock, interval, [&]() { return terminating; })) {

We noticed rather big delays when doing this with longer times, like several minutes. A wait for 20mins always takes 21mins. This is my reproducer:

boost::mutex m;
boost::condition_variable cv;
boost::unique_lock lock { m };
const boost::chrono::minutes duration { 20 };
const auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
cv.wait_for(lock, duration);
const auto stop  = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::cout << "took " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(stop - start).count() << "s";

The output clearly shows our issue: "took 1260.32s".

With some further debugging I found that the interally used function boost::this_thread::interruptible_wait() takes too long, and its implementation makes clear where the origin is:

The tolerable is used by Windows to save energy using timer coalescing, and my interpretation is that - as our thread is doing nothing else that would create events - Windows waits the full tolerable time until it fires the timer.

Although there is no guarantee that the timed operations wake the thread up at a specific timepoint, in my opinion it is wrong to produce a systematically too late wake-up. The tolerable should me much smaller (like 100ms max), even if I want to wait for an hour.

Dani-Hub commented 3 years ago

The discussion in also seems to indicate that a general relative tolerance (of 5% as in this case) might be questionable and should presumably be replaced by either an 32 ms or 100 ms absolute tolerance.

Dani-Hub commented 2 years ago

@pdimov Could please help me understanding some of the failures of the automatic AppVeyor builds? I don't see any relation to my actual pull request, but maybe I'm misreading - Thanks!

pdimov commented 2 years ago

The MSVC tests fail spuriously because of hard-coded timeouts - they assume some blocking action needs to take less than some set number of milliseconds, and on Appveyor actions sometimes take more. I don't know enough about either Thread or the tests to be able to fix this.

The GCC 5 failure (GCC 5 defaults to C++03) seems genuine, but I don't know when it was introduced. I don't remember seeing it before.

Neither of these seems related to your PR.

Dani-Hub commented 2 years ago

@pdimov : Do you have any opinion on the PULL request? Are there any improvements that you would like to be applied?

pdimov commented 2 years ago

I can't offer any insight here, sorry. Maybe @ned14 could look at it. Looking at the SO thread, people seem to have good arguments against relative extension by 5%, and his counter was that Windows does not actually extend by 5% even if asked, but this seems to be wrong - Windows does extend by 5%.

ned14 commented 2 years ago

Windows does change its behaviour over time. It's possible it used to previously ignore long timer slop times, but now honours them. This would not be the first time they've changed stuff here.

I've no objection to capping the 5% slop to something reasonable, like five seconds. I wouldn't go less though, people need to stop assuming timers fire exactly when you've asked for them on non-realtime OSs.

pdimov commented 2 years ago

One second seems a better compromise. Extending this to five seconds doesn't seem to offer any real benefits.

BrukerJWD commented 2 years ago

One second is also fine for me :+1:

ned14 commented 2 years ago

I can live with one second :)

If you adjust your PR appropriately, I will review it. I'm not sure if I still have commit privs for thread, but if not, @pdimov certainly does.

Dani-Hub commented 2 years ago

Yes, my plan is to update the PULL request. I just wanted to give people a bit of time to respond. That seems to have happened now.

pdimov commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure if I still have commit privs for thread

You don't, but I can merge the PR (#356) on your behalf after you review it.

Dani-Hub commented 2 years ago

@ned14 This is a friendly reminder: Could you please review the last PR (#356)? Thanks!

ned14 commented 2 years ago
