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add is_quotrem_order #191

Open gpeterhoff opened 7 months ago

gpeterhoff commented 7 months ago

Problem: std::Xdiv_t can be implemented as {quot, rem} or {rem, quot} (what a mess). This means that structured binding are not unique: auto [a, b] = std::div(x, y); is a quot or rem or is b quot or rem ? is_quotrem_order.hpp

//  Distributed under the Boost Software License Version 1.0
//  Copyright Gero Peterhoff


#include <boost/type_traits/is_bool.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cmath>

namespace boost
namespace detail
template <typename Type>
inline constexpr bool   is_quotrem_order()  noexcept
    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<Type>::value, "invalid type");

    //  std::div need signed integer
    using value_type = typename std::conditional_t
            std::is_floating_point<Type>::value || boost::is_bool<Type>::value,
            typename std::make_signed<Type>::type
    using div_type = decltype(std::div(value_type{}, value_type{}));

    constexpr div_type
        div{value_type{0}, value_type{1}};

    return div.quot == value_type{0};
}   //  detail

template <typename Type> struct is_quotrem_order : public std::integral_constant
>   {};

template <typename Type> inline constexpr bool is_quotrem_order_v = is_quotrem_order<Type>::value;
}   //  boost

jzmaddock commented 7 months ago

I think this may be overkill: std::div is constexpr from C++23 only making this solution require C++23 as well, but off the top of my head a neater solution might be:

template <class D>
auto div_to_tuple(const D& d)
    return std::make_tuple(d.quot, d.rem);

So now you can write:

auto [q,r] = div_to_tuple(std::div(a,b));

and this works from C++11 onwards I think.

gpeterhoff commented 7 months ago

No. There is std::div. Nothing more. Unfortunately, I can't tell you why the C++ committee is not able to do this in a standardized way, let alone provide std::div for unsigned.