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Calculate the determinant of any matrix #38

Open richelbilderbeek opened 8 years ago

richelbilderbeek commented 8 years ago

Boost.uBLAS can calculate the determinant of (at most) 2x2 matrices. I have a piece of code that can do this for any matrix size (which is, that already has been tested.

If accepted, I volunteer to try to add this to Boost, but I'd need some help to up the quality even more.

Is this already been done? If no, would it be appreciated if I (create and) submit a Pull Request?

penguian commented 8 years ago

Hi Richel, How does your algorithm compare in speed and stability vs (e.g.) Householder QR decomposition? All the best, Paul

On 18 April 2016 7:41:16 PM AEST, Richel Bilderbeek wrote:

Boost.uBLAS can calculate the determinant of (at most) 2x2 matrices. I have a piece of code that can do this for any matrix size (which is, that already has been tested.

If accepted, I volunteer to try to add this to Boost, but I'd need some help to up the quality even more.

Is this already been done? If no, would it be appreciated if I (create and) submit a Pull Request?

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Paul Leopardi -

richelbilderbeek commented 8 years ago

Undo: AFAIK I do not use Householder QR decomposition. I cannot remember the algorithm name I used. I do remember it was something using 2x2 matrices as a building block for bigger ones.

GuillermoCasas commented 8 years ago

I have been using this algorithm in my research and has given me no problems for inverting 10x10 matrices coming from a spacial least-squares polynomial fitting problem. It seems reasonably fast, although I've only used it in small systems (about 25 times per node, for about 2500 nodes). Well done, Richel.

abhishekkranjan commented 3 years ago

Am not getting pr, can you please help how can i contribute my code to calculate the determinant of any matrix. //My cpp code // C++ program to find Deteminant of a matrix

include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// Dimension of input square matrix

define N 4

// Function to get determinant of matrix int determinantOfMatrix(int mat[N][N], int n) { int num1, num2, det = 1, index, total = 1; // Initialize result

// temporary array for storing row
int temp[n + 1];

// loop for traversing the diagonal elements
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    index = i; // initialize the index

    // finding the index which has non zero value
    while (mat[index][i] == 0 && index < n) 
    if (index == n) // if there is non zero element
        // the determinat of matrix as zero
    if (index != i) 
        // loop for swaping the diagonal element row and
        // index row
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) 
            swap(mat[index][j], mat[i][j]);
        // determinant sign changes when we shift rows
        // go through determinant properties
        det = det * pow(-1, index - i);

    // storing the values of diagonal row elements
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) 
        temp[j] = mat[i][j];
    // traversing every row below the diagonal element
    for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) 
        num1 = temp[i]; // value of diagonal element
        num2 = mat[j][i]; // value of next row element

        // traversing every column of row
        // and multiplying to every row
        for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) 
            // multiplying to make the diagonal
            // element and next row element equal
                = (num1 * mat[j][k]) - (num2 * temp[k]);
        total = total * num1; // Det(kA)=kDet(A);

// mulitplying the diagonal elements to get determinant
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    det = det * mat[i][i];
return (det / total); // Det(kA)/k=Det(A);


// Driver code int main() { /int mat[N][N] = {{6, 1, 1}, {4, -2, 5}, {2, 8, 7}}; /

int mat[N][N] = { { 1, 0, 2, -1 },
                { 3, 0, 0, 5 },
                { 2, 1, 4, -3 },
                { 1, 0, 5, 0 } };

// Function call
printf("Determinant of the matrix is : %d",
    determinantOfMatrix(mat, N));
return 0;


richelbilderbeek commented 3 years ago

Hi @abhishekkranjan, this is not the place to post such question :-). Try a forum instead :+1:

bassoy commented 3 years ago

Hi @abhishekkranjan, this is not the place to post such question :-). Try a forum instead +1

yes. we can discuss it either directly in gitter: or use the mailing list:

abhishekkranjan commented 3 years ago

Hi @abhishekkranjan, this is not the place to post such question :-). Try a forum instead 👍

am really sorry for posting that question, I was unaware of it.

abhishekkranjan commented 3 years ago

Hi @abhishekkranjan, this is not the place to post such question :-). Try a forum instead +1

yes. we can discuss it either directly in gitter: or use the mailing list:

thanks, i have joined the gitter room