boostorg / unordered unordered module
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Boost requires TBB? #222

Closed Baksling closed 1 month ago

Baksling commented 8 months ago

When installing version 1.83.0 and including <boost/unordered/concurrent_flat_map.h>, i get an error that there is an undefined reference to TBB oneapi aka:

/usr/bin/ld: tests/CMakeFiles/parser.dir/parser_test.cpp.o: in function tbb::detail::d1::execution_slot(tbb::detail::d1::execution_data const&)': /usr/include/oneapi/tbb/detail/_task.h:169: undefined reference totbb::detail::r1::execution_slot(tbb::detail::d1::execution_data const)' /usr/bin/ld: tests/CMakeFiles/parser.dir/parser_test.cpp.o: in function tbb::detail::d1::current_thread_index()': /usr/include/oneapi/tbb/task_arena.h:454: undefined reference totbb::detail::r1::execution_slot(tbb::detail::d1::execution_data const)'

I am unable to find in the documentation that concurrent_flat_map relies on TBB, but i might be missing some build options? I am using the following command to download and install boost to my project, where i rely on the program_options and test:

ExternalProject_Add( boost-ext URL URL_HASH SHA256=c86bd9d9eef795b4b0d3802279419fde5221922805b073b9bd822edecb1ca28e PATCH_COMMAND echo "${BOOST_CONFIG_JAM}" $ > config.jam CONFIGURE_COMMAND ./ --with-toolset=${BOOST_TOOLSET} --prefix=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/external cxxflags="-arch x86_64" --without-icu BUILD_COMMAND ./b2 --user-config=config.jam --prefix=${EXTERNAL_INSTALL_LOCATION} --with-test --with-program_options cxxstd=17 cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" address-model=64 ${BOOST_B2_OPTS} variant=release link=shared runtime-link=shared install BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1 INSTALL_COMMAND "" )

Am i missing an option or component for concurrent_flat_map? I have tried adding --with-containers and --with-unordered, but the issues remain
pdimov commented 8 months ago

What compiler and platform is this?

pdimov commented 8 months ago

Some versions of GCC (e.g. GCC 9) implement the standard <execution> header on top of TBB.

If that's your issue, you can try to define BOOST_UNORDERED_DISABLE_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS and see if it helps.