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heap-user-after-free around foa::table_core::destroy_element #245

Closed indiosmo closed 4 months ago

indiosmo commented 4 months ago


Running the attached stress_test.cpp under ASAN I get heap-use-after-free around boost/unordered/detail/foa/core.hpp:1796. This happens in 1.85 and 1.84 as well. It happens for both unordered_flat_map and unordered_node_map. Using std::unordered_map I get no errors.

The full ASAN output is attached. asan.log.26931.txt

I'm attaching the relevant headers and implementations from the application as I can't seem to reproduce the issue outside of my application (thread_local_timer_wheel::schedule() is where the crash happens).

The stress_test.cpp file is the minimal code I could write that replicates the problem, but has lots of depencies on other internal code which I can't publish here.

The reproduction_attempt.cpp file is my attempt to reproduce without the dependencies, but it seems to run ok.

To summarize, there's a static thread_local flat_unordered_map. In the thread_local_timer_wheel::schedule() function I emplace into the map, and push a callback to a queue that is read by the clock thread. When the timer elapses, the clock thread calls the callback, which gets marshalled back to the original thread that called schedule(), and in that original thread, erases the entry from the map.

Running under TSAN shows no warnings, and replacing the map with std::unordered_map also runs without issues. The offending read and write also both happen on the same thread as seen in the ASAN output, so it doesn't look like a concurrency problem on my part.

reproduction_attempt.cpp.txt stress_test.cpp.txt thread_local_timer_wheel.cpp.txt thread_local_timer_wheel.hpp.txt

cmazakas commented 4 months ago

Before we go ahead and invest the time into looking into this, we're going to need at least a reliable reproduction of the issue in question.

If you're using the unordered_flat_map and unordered_node_maps, any bugs should be reproducible in a single-threaded context, otherwise it indicates an ordering problem in the consuming application. You've mentioned tsan but there's also tools like valgrind's helgrind which you can try as well.

It also helps us out a lot more if your reproduction is put inside a github repo or something else we can just view in-browser without having to individually download and open locally.

indiosmo commented 4 months ago

Hi Christian, I'll try coming up with a simple reproducible case and put it in a repo. As well as running under valgrind.

In any case, ASAN shows that all 3 of allocation, read and free happened on thread T2, so doesn't that indicate that it can't be a concurrency problem?

pdimov commented 4 months ago

One way to test this assumption is to run the program, limiting it to a single logical core (using process affinity).

indiosmo commented 4 months ago

One way to test this assumption is to run the program, limiting it to a single logical core (using process affinity).

Doing that right now.

indiosmo commented 4 months ago

It does happen under a single thread, I'm pasting the code below for now and I'll try and set up a repo without having my internal dependencies.

#include "boost/unordered/unordered_flat_map.hpp"
#include "tbb/concurrent_queue.h"
#include <csignal>
#include "mil/timer.hpp"
#include "mil/timer/timer.hpp"
#include <random>
#include "mil/result.hpp"
#include "mil/fmt.hpp"
#include "mil/log.hpp"

struct driver
    for (int i = 0; i < 250; ++i) {

  void start()
    timer.expires_after(std::chrono::microseconds{1}, [this] { elapsed(); }, mil::timer::timer::mode_enum::repeating);

  void stop()
    MIL_LOG_INFO("ops {} | elapsed {}", op_counter_, elapsed_counter_);

  void elapsed()
    // MIL_LOG_INFO("elasped {}", std::this_thread::get_id());
    auto index = timer_dist(gen);
    auto interval = std::chrono::milliseconds(interval_dist(gen));
    bool op_start = index % 2 == 0;

    if (op_start) {>expires_after(interval, [this] {
        // MIL_LOG_INFO("inner elapsed {}", std::this_thread::get_id());
    } else {
      // MIL_LOG_INFO("cancel {}", std::this_thread::get_id());>cancel();

  mil::timer::timer timer;

  std::random_device rd{};
  std::mt19937 gen{rd()};
  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> timer_dist{0, 249};
  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> interval_dist{1, 60000};

  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<mil::timer::timer>> timers;
  std::uint64_t op_counter_ = 0;
  std::uint64_t elapsed_counter_ = 0;

std::atomic<bool> running_ = true;

void signal_handler(int /* signal */)
  running_ = false;

int main()
  mil::timer::context_tag = mil::timer::thread_local_timer_wheel_tag{};
  auto& timer_wheel = mil::timer::context_config<mil::timer::thread_local_timer_wheel_tag>;

  driver d{};

  while(running_) {


pdimov commented 4 months ago
void thread_local_timer_wheel::schedule(operation_token token, types::tick_duration delta, types::elapsed_callback_t callback)
  operations_.try_emplace(token.operation_id(), callback); // line 49 frees

  auto marshalled = [callback_queue = from_wheel_](types::operation_id operation_id) {
    callback_queue->push([operation_id] {
      if (auto it = operations_.find(operation_id); it != std::end(operations_)) {
        it->second.callback(operation_id); // line 54
        operations_.erase(it); // line 55 uses after free

  to_wheel_.emplace([=] { wheel_.schedule(token, delta, marshalled); });

What this ASAN log says to me is that the callback invocation in line 54 calls schedule, which causes a reallocation in line 49, so when execution continues to line 55, the original bucket array is no longer there.

That's of course just a guess, but I'm not sure what else could explain it.

If that's true, the fix should be something like changing



    auto callback = it->second.callback;
indiosmo commented 4 months ago

I was just putting up the reproduction repo ( when I saw your response.

schedule() is reentrant so, indeed, even in a single thread the sequence can be lines 54 -> 49 -> 55 and the iterator gets invalidated.

Your proposed change fixes it. We could also do operations_.erase(operation_id) and it also works.

Thank you.