boostorg / winapi

Windows API declarations without <windows.h>, for internal Boost use.
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Library requirements errors. #27

Closed grafikrobot closed 8 years ago

grafikrobot commented 8 years ago

====== BEGIN OUTPUT ====== libs/winapi: error: file not found; Did not find [project-root]/index.html file. The file is required for all libraries. Redirection to HTML documentation. libs/winapi: error: directory not found; Missing [project-root]/doc directory. The [project-root]/doc directory is required for all libraries. Sources to build with and built documentation for the library. If the library needs to build documentation from non-HTML files this location must be buildable with Boost Build. libs/winapi: warning: file not found; Did not find [project-root]/include/boost/[library].h* file. A single header for the library is suggested at [project-root]/include/boost/[library].h* if the library does not have a header directory at [project-root]/include/boost/[library]. libs/winapi: error: directory not found; Missing [project-root]/meta directory. The [project-root]/meta directory is required for all libraries.

EXIT STATUS: 1 ====== END OUTPUT ======

Lastique commented 8 years ago

Fixed everything except the warning. There is no single library header in boost and the library is intentionally placed under boost/detail.