boostorg / winapi

Windows API declarations without <windows.h>, for internal Boost use.
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Header location #63

Closed pdimov closed 6 years ago

pdimov commented 6 years ago

It's very unfortunate that Winapi places all of its headers into boost/detail instead of boost/winapi/.... This irregularity means that every header is an exception for the purposes of determining dependencies.

Lastique commented 6 years ago

Are you proposing to move the headers to boost/winapi?

Historically, WinAPI headers were initially part of Boost.Detail. I'm not even sure we intended to have it as a separate library at the very start. And although now it is a library, it's still not for public use, hence the detail.

In general, I'm not opposed to moving the headers if it helps (not sure how, though), but I would still prefer to keep Boost.WinAPI our private tool.

pdimov commented 6 years ago

The way it helps is that with regular includes, it's possible to determine from #include <boost/foo/...> that there is a dependency on the foo library without checking out the whole Boost and scanning it.

I don't argue against keeping Winapi our private tool here (even though I think that it would be as useful for the general public as it is for us, in its present form.)

viboes commented 6 years ago

@Lastique Even if we locate it inside the detail folder/namespace, I believe this doesn't prevent people from using it.

@pdimov Did you mean that your dependency tool doesn't identifies winapi as a separated library?

Lastique commented 6 years ago

even though I think that it would be as useful for the general public as it is for us, in its present form.

We're using Boost.WinAPI because we want to use Windows stuff in headers without conflicts. Users can simply include windows.h in their code.

Even if we locate it inside the detail folder/namespace, I believe this doesn't prevent people from using it.

Sure. As putting stuff in a detail namespace doesn't. The point is that stuff in the detail folder or namespace is obviously not for public use and we are not bound to preserve any kind of compatibility about it. Stuff in the top level boost directory is interpreted as all public by default.

Did you mean that your dependency tool doesn't identifies winapi as a separated library?

I think the tool is able to track dependencies as it is. The rationale is that humans typically expect all the stuff in boost/detail belongs to Boost.Detail. I have to say though that we have lots of examples where this expectation is false. Also, b2 headers has more work to do as it has to create links to each individual file in boost/detail instead of just linking the directory.

pdimov commented 6 years ago

Tracking irregular dependencies is only possible with a full Boost checkout, as you have to scan all the repos to build a header -> module map.

A tool whose purpose is to install the necessary Boost subset needs to be able to determine the module without having it already checked out (because if it were checked out, what would be the point of using the tool to install it.)

depinst looks at #include <boost/pumpkin/something.hpp> and assumes this comes from libs/pumpkin. Headers that do not follow this convention have to be explicitly listed as exceptions in

and, even though it won't be possible to get rid of that file entirely for legacy reasons, it would be nice if new headers do not need to be listed so that I don't have to change exceptions.txt each time someone makes a change somewhere.

Lastique commented 6 years ago

Would it be better if the dependencies are generated once and saved in a file in the meta directory? I think, inferring dependencies from the directory structure is rather fragile.

Lastique commented 6 years ago

BTW, the lists below winapi and stacktrace in the exceptions.txt file are outdated. I also removed boost/utility/empty_deleter.hpp.

pdimov commented 6 years ago

Inferring the dependencies has the advantage that the maintainers don't need to do any work to keep the dependency list up to date.

Yes, I know that the list is outdated. I was going to update it when I noticed that the list of Winapi headers has changed.

Lastique commented 6 years ago

Ok, I will do the move sometime next week. I'll have to create PRs for the dependent libraries as well.

pdimov commented 6 years ago


viboes commented 6 years ago

Hi Peter. I can get rid of

viboes commented 6 years ago

Even if there is no archive library, what would be the impact of extracting anything in boost/archive from the serialization library?

pdimov commented 6 years ago

I don't mind that much the existing exceptions, as long as we don't keep adding new ones. :-)

Extracting the archive part of the Serialization library into its own Archive module would be an interesting refactoring exercise in principle. This would cut dependencies since many libraries use only the Serialization part (to support serialization for their types), but not the Archive part. But last time I looked it seemed nontrivial, and I doubt that Robert would be enthusiastic about such a project.

viboes commented 6 years ago

I know that Robert is not for this split.

What would be the result without changing anything in Boost.Serialization, but just changing your tool. Which applications would we break?

At the end, we could require the user of your tool to use archive when they want everything. Would this be plausible?

Lastique commented 6 years ago

@pdimov Would you like me to move interlocked.hpp somewhere else as well?

pdimov commented 6 years ago

No strong preference either way.

Lastique commented 6 years ago

Done in