boostorg / winapi

Windows API declarations without <windows.h>, for internal Boost use.
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Fixes for clang/mingw and gcc/mingw and gcc/mingw-64 on Windows #7

Closed eldiener closed 9 years ago

eldiener commented 9 years ago

Theses fixes makes it possible in winapi to use clang and gcc on Windows with mingw and mingw-64. For mingw-64 only a very few changes had to be made. For mingw ( clang and gcc ) quite a number of changes were made since even the latest mingw w32api package is missing a good deal of Windows functionality. In some cases this meant disabling some winapi functionality for mingw, especially for Vista on up. In other cases, with ConditionVariable, SRWLock, and RunOnce, this meant disabling its functionality entirely for mingw. For these latter three I chose to disable rather than produce #error messages. There is also a bug in the CryptEnumProviders declaration in mingw which makes it unusable and I have reported that to mingw. I decided not to disable that functionality. so that the error is the only one that should occur when running the winapi tests using mingw.

Lastique commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the patch. There are a few issues that caught my eye though:

eldiener commented 9 years ago

Let me answer each one of your points. I will number then starting with 1. All references to "mingw" below refers to just mingw while references to "mingw-64" refers to just that.

1) I named them .hxx because your test jamfile was automatically including all .hpp files found in the boost/detail/winapi directory. This was disastrous for a critical_section_mingw.hpp and for IsMingw.hpp I only wanted it included when needed. Once I renamed them to .hxx they were not being included automatically by the test jamfile but only when needed by other .hpp files. I realize that this is only a test problem but I am the one running the tests .

With critical_section_mingw.hxx I have no problem merging it into critical_section.hpp as you requested but I thought it would be easier to follow the code if it was completely separate. With IsMingw.hxx I can merge into config.hpp but then it would be included by all headers even though it is needed by just a few of them. If instead I rename them to .hpp suffix and put them in detail/winapi/detail does your test jamfile still load them automatically ( I don't know whether "[ path.glob-tree $(headers_path) : *.hpp : detail ]" picks up .hpp files in subdirectories of 'detail' or not ) ? If not then that's my preference for IsMingw.hxx at least rather than adding it to config.h. For critical_section_mingw.hxx I will add it directly back into critical_section.hpp rather than including it.

2) I can understand your wanting to simplify mingw to make the code a bit cleaner and clearer, but their are some problems so let me enumerate them:

a) I don't think it is possible to say that MingW doesn't support Vista on up. Their header files for Windows certainly have code for Windows Vista and even Windows 7. They just do a poor job of it.

b) Including boost/config.h when using mingw or mingw-64 already sets _WIN32_WINNT, although windows.h is not included, so forcing BOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION to XP for mingw would be error prone.

c) I did not envision BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW or BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW64 as something users of winapi should know about, but rather as macros for internal use only.

3) I don't understand what you mean by defining them when they are "active". I do include the IsMingW header file only when needed. As far as adding them directly to predef and removing them from winapi I am fine with that and agree with you that it is a better place then just in winapi. We need to talk to Rene Rivera and see if he is willing to do that.

4) The rename is fine by me if you really want it. But popularly mingw and mingw-64 are known by those names and references to mingw always refers to just mingw and not both. Furthermore mingw-64 has both 32 bit and 64 bit distributions. So personally I don't think that using MINGW32 referring to mingw and MINGW64 referring to mingw-64 is the best terminology.

5) It's a mistake in the mingw w32api 4.0+ headers. In the mingw w32api 3.0+ headers it is correct. But mingw stupidly has no way to distinguish between 3.0+ and 4.0+ at compile time so I took the most conservative course for now.

6) OK. Again I was just being conservative because mingw did not have them in their headers.

7) For wincrypt.h in mingw it is just not automatically being included when windows.h is included. The CryptEnumProviders bug is because of incorrect declarations in the mingw header files. I have already reported the latter to them. The incorrect declarations in their header files are:


instead of the correct:

Lastique commented 9 years ago

On 03.07.2015 15:51, Edward Diener wrote:

Let me answer each one of your points. I will number then starting with

  1. All references to "mingw" below refers to just mingw while references to "mingw-64" refers to just that.

1) I named them .hxx because your test jamfile was automatically including all .hpp files found in the boost/detail/winapi directory. This was disastrous for a critical_section_mingw.hpp and for IsMingw.hpp

That's intentional. Any header in boost/detail/winapi can be included at any context and as such every header there must be self-sufficient. Both critical_section_mingw.hpp and IsMingw.hpp are not self-sufficient and that problem is detected by the test.

With critical_section_mingw.hxx I have no problem merging it into critical_section.hpp as you requested but I thought it would be easier to follow the code if it was completely separate.

I think avoiding code duplication is more important, especially since it's difficult to test all possible configurations.

With IsMingw.hxx I can merge into config.hpp but then it would be included by all headers even though it is needed by just a few of them.

I don't think IsMingw.hxx adds a lot of complexity to config.hpp, so I don't think a separate header gains much. If it is _mingw.h what you're worried about then it's not a problem - this header is already included by Boost.Config.

If instead I rename them to .hpp suffix and put them in detail/winapi/detail does your test jamfile still load them automatically ( I don't know whether "[ path.glob-tree $(headers_path) : *.hpp : detail ]" picks up .hpp files in subdirectories of 'detail' or not ) ?

The search is recursive but excludes files under detail/winapi/detail (the last argument to path.glob-tree rule indicates that).

2) I can understand your wanting to simplify mingw to make the code a bit cleaner and clearer, but their are some problems so let me enumerate them:

a) I don't think it is possible to say that MingW doesn't support Vista on up. Their header files for Windows certainly have code for Windows Vista and even Windows 7. They just do a poor job of it.

Well, the question is how poor it is. If it doesn't implement SRWLocks, condition variables and GetTickCount64 then to us it pretty much equivalent to not implemented at all.

So far the only thing Boost libraries had to check for before using a particular Windows API is BOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION. So if a library wants to use e.g. SRWLocks then it tests BOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION >= BOOST_WINAPI_VERSION_VISTA and goes on. I would very much like to keep it this way and not add BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW to the list. This means that if we can't emulate MS Windows SDK to the extent of our currently supported API subset on MinGW then we should not advertise this unsupported version to the users.

I realize that this approach is very conservative but it simplifies the library use and makes the code more portable. Perhaps, one day we will add separate indication of availability of particular APIs with dedicated macros, but so far this is not the case.

b) Including boost/config.h when using mingw or mingw-64 already sets _WIN32_WINNT, although windows.h is not included, so forcing BOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION to XP for mingw would be error prone.

Hmm, that's news to me. Do you know where it gets defined?

c) I did not envision BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW or BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW64 as something users of winapi should know about, but rather as macros for internal use only.

With your current patch they are public in that the user has to check them before using certain Windows APIs even if BOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION indicates that those APIs should be supported.

BTW, private macros should have prefix BOOST_DETAILWINAPI.

3) I don't understand what you mean by defining them when they are "active".

I mean BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW should be defined on MinGW and not defined on other platforms (i.e. so that the checks are #if defined(BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW) as opposed to #if BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW).

As far as adding them directly to predef and removing them from winapi I am fine with that and agree with you that it is a better place then just in winapi. We need to talk to Rene Rivera and see if he is willing to do that.

Yep. Could you post the proposal on the ML?

4) The rename is fine by me if you really want it. But popularly mingw and mingw-64 are known by those names and references to mingw always refers to just mingw and not both. Furthermore mingw-64 has both 32 bit and 64 bit distributions. So personally I don't think that using MINGW32 referring to mingw and MINGW64 referring to mingw-64 is the best terminology.

My main motivation is that the legacy MinGW macro is MINGW32 and also there is BOOST_PLAT_MINGW in Boost.Predef which indicates both MinGW and MinGW64. We can discuss this on the ML as well as part of the proposal to extend Boost.Predef.

5) It's a mistake in the mingw w32api 4.0+ headers. In the mingw w32api 3.0+ headers it is correct. But mingw stupidly has no way to distinguish between 3.0+ and 4.0+ at compile time so I took the most conservative course for now.

I think we should declare the function ourselves to hide the MinGW bug. winapi public API should be consistent.

7) For wincrypt.h in mingw it is just not automatically being included when windows.h is included. The CryptEnumProviders bug is because of incorrect declarations in the mingw header files. I have already reported the latter to them. The incorrect declarations in their header files are:


instead of the correct:


Hmm, I'll have to look into this. Unless I'm missing something, with these declarations in wincrypt.h would conflict with the ones we have in crypt.hpp when BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H is not defined. Also, the inline functions in crypt.hpp would also not compile. I suppose, the inline functions could be fixed with something like this:

class whatever_ptr { void* m_p; public: explicit whatever_ptr(void* p) : m_p(p) {} template< typename T > operator T* () const noexcept { return static_cast< T* >(m_p); } };

We can then use whatever_ptr to forward pointer arguments that are declared differently in different SDKs.

eldiener commented 9 years ago

I remove the separate .hxx files. So let me go on to other issues:

1) The boost/config.h header includes _mingw.h when it determines that the platform is Windows. The _mingw.h include, for whatever reason in both mingw and mingw-64, sets the _WIN32_WINNT value.

2) I don't mind limiting mingw to less than Windows Vista and simplifying the code. The default _WIN32_WINNT for mingw is Windows 2000 while the default _WIN32_WINNT for mingw-64 is Windows XP with SP2. But if this is done you should document it. Mingw-64 of course doesn't need such a limitation. Luckily it appears that the latest update to clang source allows using mingw-64 as a gcc Windows target rather than just mingw. But past clang Windows releases still have the limitation to mingw.

3) I will bring up predef distinguishing between mingw and mingw64 on the developers mailing list. BTW predef is essentially picking up the same macros that my BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW(64) macros are picking up ( it's also including _mingw.h ).

4) While my macro is being used I still think specifying MINGW32 and MINGW64 to distinguish between mingw and mingw-64 is bad naming. Consider that mingw-64 itself has 32bit and 64bit implementations. Doesn't MINGW32 sound like a 32-bit implementation of mingw-64 rather than a referral to mingw ? Furthermore the predefined macro MINGW32 in both mingw and mingw-64 simply says that either mingw or mingw-64 is the platform. I would like to avoid one more confusing use of the MINGW32 mnemonic.

5) Regarding UnregisterWait and UnregisterWaitEx for mingw, as well as the CryptEnumProviders bug in mingw, I would like for you to provide this workaround once you merge the PR into 'develop'. I will be glad to test it for you then. I am not sure how these workarounds are supposed to be coded and you have already done some of this in winapi and know what you want.

My next update will be to remove the mingw Vista use of BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW and defining the WTEXECUTEINUITHREAD etc., which is not in the mingw headers, with constants.

Lastique commented 9 years ago

On 04.07.2015 01:57, Edward Diener wrote:

I remove the separate .hxx files. So let me go on to other issues:

1) The boost/config.h header includes _mingw.h when it determines that the platform is Windows. The _mingw.h include, for whatever reason in both mingw and mingw-64, sets the _WIN32_WINNT value.

I see. It is unfortunate that the macro is defined in _mingw.h because it influences our default target version and there seems to be no way around this.

2) I don't mind limiting mingw to less than Windows Vista and simplifying the code. The default _WIN32_WINNT for mingw is Windows 2000 while the default _WIN32_WINNT for mingw-64 is Windows XP with SP2. But if this is done you should document it. Mingw-64 of course doesn't need such a limitation.

If I'm not mistaken, the current code in winapi/config.hpp should have been defaulting to Windows 2000/XP on MinGW/MinGW64, so nothing really changed. I wonder why you needed to add checks on BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW(64) in the code.

There is no documentation in the winapi submodule but I could mention something about the default target Windows versions in Boost release notes.

3) I will bring up predef distinguishing between mingw and mingw64 on the developers mailing list. BTW predef is essentially picking up the same macros that my BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW(64) macros are picking up ( it's also including _mingw.h ).

Ok, thanks.

4) While my macro is being used I still think specifying MINGW32 and MINGW64 to distinguish between mingw and mingw-64 is bad naming. Consider that mingw-64 itself has 32bit and 64bit implementations. Doesn't MINGW32 sound like a 32-bit implementation of mingw-64 rather than a referral to mingw ? Furthermore the predefined macro MINGW32 in both mingw and mingw-64 simply says that either mingw or mingw-64 is the platform. I would like to avoid one more confusing use of the MINGW32 mnemonic.

Ok, let's keep it BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW.

5) Regarding UnregisterWait and UnregisterWaitEx for mingw, as well as the CryptEnumProviders bug in mingw, I would like for you to provide this workaround once you merge the PR into 'develop'. I will be glad to test it for you then. I am not sure how these workarounds are supposed to be coded and you have already done some of this in winapi and know what you want.


My next update will be to remove the mingw Vista use of BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW and defining the WTEXECUTEINUITHREAD etc., which is not in the mingw headers, with constants.

Ok, thanks for all your work.

eldiener commented 9 years ago

On 7/3/2015 11:23 PM, Andrey Semashev wrote:

On 04.07.2015 01:57, Edward Diener wrote:

I remove the separate .hxx files. So let me go on to other issues:

1) The boost/config.h header includes _mingw.h when it determines that the platform is Windows. The _mingw.h include, for whatever reason in both mingw and mingw-64, sets the _WIN32_WINNT value.

I see. It is unfortunate that the macro is defined in _mingw.h because it influences our default target version and there seems to be no way around this. Neither you nor I can control what mingw or mingw-64 decide to do. I have had discussions with them on their mailing lists about various issues but getting them to change anything in their win32 api implementations is very difficult to do. They don't see their win32 API implementations as very important compared to their general integration of the gcc compilers itself with Windows.

2) I don't mind limiting mingw to less than Windows Vista and simplifying the code. The default _WIN32_WINNT for mingw is Windows 2000 while the default _WIN32_WINNT for mingw-64 is Windows XP with SP2. But if this is done you should document it. Mingw-64 of course doesn't need such a limitation.

If I'm not mistaken, the current code in winapi/config.hpp should have been defaulting to Windows 2000/XP on MinGW/MinGW64, so nothing really changed. I wonder why you needed to add checks on BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW(64) in the code. Please look at my code after the last update. The number of specific checks for mingw is pretty minimal and there is only a singlwe check for mingw-64. If you merge to develop you are of course free to change what you like. But please consider that my changes are just trying to make it easier for those using gcc and/or clang on Windows to use Boost libraries, some of which use the Boost.winapi functionality.

The good news with clang is that a recent update to the clang source makes it possible to use a mingw-64 gcc implementation as the gcc RTL on Windows, whereas before only a mingw gcc implementation could be used. Unfortunately binary versions of previously releases of clang for Windows ( clang-3.41, clang 3.5.2, clang 3.6.1 ) are still restricted to using mingw's gcc RTL. Clearly the mingw-64 implementations are better.

There is no documentation in the winapi submodule but I could mention something about the default target Windows versions in Boost release notes.

3) I will bring up predef distinguishing between mingw and mingw64 on the developers mailing list. BTW predef is essentially picking up the same macros that my BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW(64) macros are picking up ( it's also including _mingw.h ).

Ok, thanks. Rene Rivera ( predef ) will be away for at least a month so I will wait to being up this issue for predef, or perhaps just bring it up as a Boost trac suggestion for now.

4) While my macro is being used I still think specifying MINGW32 and MINGW64 to distinguish between mingw and mingw-64 is bad naming. Consider that mingw-64 itself has 32bit and 64bit implementations. Doesn't MINGW32 sound like a 32-bit implementation of mingw-64 rather than a referral to mingw ? Furthermore the predefined macro MINGW32 in both mingw and mingw-64 simply says that either mingw or mingw-64 is the platform. I would like to avoid one more confusing use of the MINGW32 mnemonic.

Ok, let's keep it BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW.

5) Regarding UnregisterWait and UnregisterWaitEx for mingw, as well as the CryptEnumProviders bug in mingw, I would like for you to provide this workaround once you merge the PR into 'develop'. I will be glad to test it for you then. I am not sure how these workarounds are supposed to be coded and you have already done some of this in winapi and know what you want.


My next update will be to remove the mingw Vista use of BOOST_WINAPI_IS_MINGW and defining the WTEXECUTEINUITHREAD etc., which is not in the mingw headers, with constants.

Ok, thanks for all your work. You are welcome. If/when you merge and make whatever other changes you deem necessary I will be glad to run the winapi tests using the various mingw/gcc, mingw-64/gcc, clang/mingw/gcc, and clang/mingw-64/gcc implementations I have on my machine. Needless to say I can also test VC++8 through VC++12 also if necessary.

Lastique commented 9 years ago

The modified changes were committed as a part of

eldiener commented 9 years ago

Thanks !