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BOOST_INTERLOCKED_EXCHANGE_ADD doesn't work with clang(-cl) #72

Closed JVApen closed 5 years ago

JVApen commented 5 years ago

BOOST_INTERLOCKED_EXCHANGE_ADD and other functions compile making use of clang-cl, however, when used, these cause linker errors because the MinGW functions are used instead of the intrinsic. Below, you can find the production.


cl.exe /IC: \Boost_167_x64 /DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB /nologo /c /GR /EHsc /fp:precise /FS /std:c++17 /diagnostics:caret /O2 /I. /MDd /Zc:forScope /bigobj /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:inline m.cpp move m.obj m.msvc.obj link m.msvc.obj /LIBPATH:C: \Boost_167_x64\stage\release\lib /LIBPATH:C:\ Boost_167_x64\stage\debug\lib

c: \llvm_6_0_0\bin\clang-cl.exe -fms-compatibility-version=19.11 -w -Wno-unused-command-line-argument /IC: \Boost_167_x64 /DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB /nologo /c /GR /EHsc /fp:precise /FS /std:c++17 /diagnostics:caret /O2 /I. /MDd /Zc:forScope /bigobj /Zc:wchar_t m.cpp move m.obj m.clang.obj link m.clang.obj /LIBPATH:C: \Boost_167_x64\stage\release\lib /LIBPATH:C: \Boost_167_x64\stage\debug\lib


// Reduced from barrier.hpp

include <boost/detail/interlocked.hpp>

int main(int, char**) { long active_count = 0, lock_flag_value = 1; long newValue = BOOST_INTERLOCKED_EXCHANGE_ADD(&active_count, lock_flag_value); return 0; }

Extra info:

Looks like MSVC gives true for #if defined( BOOST_MSVC ) && BOOST_MSVC >= 1400 (line 80) while Clang ends up with #elif defined( WIN32 ) || defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( WIN32 ) || defined( CYGWIN ) (line 154)

By result, does not get included, which causes a link error: unresolved external symbol __imp_InterlockedExchangeAdd referenced in function main Defining BOOST_USE_INTRIN_H can be used as workaround.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

I don't have clang to test. @pdimov, would you like to take a look?

pdimov commented 5 years ago

The smart_ptr-specific version of interlocked.hpp is at

I don't remember all the intricacies of this - it's a pain of getting it to work on all the various configurations, each with its own quirks - so the best course of action is probably to just copy it over (removing the SP_ accordingly.)

Regarding use of intrin.h specifically, I see that the sp version would choose to use it when BOOST_MSVC >= 1600, which would be the case under Clang.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

BOOST_MSVC is supposed to be only defined for genuine MSVC. It should not be defined for clang, should it?

pdimov commented 5 years ago

You're right, it shouldn't be. Hm.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

I confirm that the problem occurs with sp_interlocked.hpp as well. Should be fixed in I still couldn't figure out how to get clang-cl to work under b2 though.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

Thanks, Peter. I've incorporated some of your changes in bf9dfd9. Hopefully, it fixes the problem.