boot-clj / boot-cljs

Boot task to compile ClojureScript programs.
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Add option to make Cljs warnings fatal #106

Open Deraen opened 9 years ago

Deraen commented 9 years ago

For production builds it would be useful to have Cljs task fail completely if there are any warnings.

I think this should be a separate option.

martinklepsch commented 9 years ago

With the warnings on fileset metadata this could even be a separate task. Not sure if there is much value in that besides keeping code out of the regular cljs task though. edit: Would be a nice example of what fileset metadata enables.

micha commented 9 years ago

Yes, warning/error info on the fileset would be a great way to solve this. If we could draft a standard for this (perhaps functions in boot.core) then we could make completely separate tasks that could fail on error, print messages in some preferred format, send messages to other services, etc.

The way it would work is the task that catches the error/warning/etc would attach that info to the fileset as metadata and passit down the pipeline. If a subsequent task handles it that task can remove the metadata from the fileset before it passes it on to the next task. Thus, when the fileset bubbles back up to the task where the error originated it can handle it in some default way if the metadata is still on the fileset.

nberger commented 8 years ago

We have the following task in a project:

(defn throw-when-cljs-warnings []
  (b/with-pre-wrap fileset
    (let [warnings (->> fileset
                        (map :adzerk.boot-cljs/warnings)
                        (apply merge)
                        (remove empty?))]
      (when (seq warnings)
        (throw (Exception. "There were warnings from the cljs compile step!")))

It works for us, helped catching some warnings :)

pesterhazy commented 8 years ago

@nberger thanks for the snippet, looks great.

Adding this as a boot-cljs option would be a great addition however. I asked elsewhere if a "strict mode" (like -Werror, fail on warning) could be added to the clojurescript compiler. I got a negative answer, which I take to mean that tooling is the place to do this. I'd like to use it even for dev builds.

martinklepsch commented 8 years ago

@nberger @pesterhazy any of you up for making a PR? :)

pesterhazy commented 8 years ago

@martinklepsch, would love to but don't know when I'll get a chance

pesterhazy commented 8 years ago

See as an example of how to do this, with lein-cljsbuild.

Deraen commented 8 years ago

Boot-cljs overwrites the warning-handler to store the warnings in the fileset metadata, so that is not going to work with Boot-cljs current:

Boot-cljs could add the handler to those set by user, but I'm not sure if this is very useful. A separate task or option is good idea for this.