boot-clj / boot

Build tooling for Clojure.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Creating a binary executable from a Clojure script #769

Open BuddhiLW opened 2 years ago

BuddhiLW commented 2 years ago

Question Can I compile a clojure script, with the boot shebang, and use the binary executable instead of running the start boilerplate evertime?

To Reproduce create a file example.clj,

#!/usr/bin/env boot

(defn -main [& args]
  (println (str "Hello "
                (reduce str (map #(str % ", ") args)))))

Example call,

chmod +x ./example.clj
./example.clj "Peter" "Julian" "Mary"


Hello Peter, Julian, Mary, 

Expected behavior Get an executable that doesn't take 5 seconds to do the same output,

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