bootmortis / iran-hosted-domains

"Iran Hosted Domains" is a comprehensive list of Iranian domains and services that are hosted within the country.
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how can i make custom .dat file #178

Open DgithubA opened 5 months ago

DgithubA commented 5 months ago

i use bellow rules to bypass proxy(direct), but i have some problem. At the moment, geosite.dat size is 5MB and geoip.dat is 10.2MB . in mobile V2rayNG app when we i use this custom rules, It takes a long time to start xray service and when we dont use any ruls of geosite: or geoip: , This time is greatly reduced. Now i want to custom this rules and put all of them in one file to Reduce file size and execution time, and use it with ext:cutom.bat:direct and ext:custom.bat:block . Obviously, the size of the file is reduced because there are no additional data and lists that are not necessary(like other geo domain and ips), so as a result, we have better speed. now i have question. how can i do this? how can make my custom .dat file with tags(direct,block,etc)

my rules:

bootmortis commented 5 months ago