bootphon / phonemizer

Simple text to phones converter for multiple languages
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Phonemize Japanese Language #146

Open MikuAuahDark opened 1 year ago

MikuAuahDark commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Phonemizer can't be used to phonemize Japanese characters.

Phonemizer version

available backends: espeak-ng-1.52, segments-2.2.1
uninstalled backends: espeak-mbrola, festival

System Windows 11 22H2 patch 1265

To reproduce

import phonemizer
print(phonemizer.phonemize("ほたる", language="ja", backend="espeak"))

Could not load the mbrola.dll file. is printed on the console followed by RuntimeError: failed to load voice "ja"

Expected behavior Runs without problems.

Additional context Running espeak-ng from command-line directly works.

C:\Users\MikuAuahDark>espeak-ng -q -x --ipa -v ja "ほたる"
MikuAuahDark commented 1 year ago

Additional context This LuaJIT script also properly able to return values same as the espeak-ng command-line, so phonemizer probably did something fancy regarding initialization?

local ffi = require("ffi")
local espeak = ffi.load("C:/Program Files/eSpeak NG/libespeak-ng.dll")

int espeak_Initialize(int output, int buflength, const char *path, int options);
const char *espeak_TextToPhonemes(const void **textptr, int textmode, int phonememode);
int espeak_SetVoiceByName(const char *name);

local text = "ほたる"
-- 3 = allow espeakEVENT_PHONEME events AND espeakEVENT_PHONEME events give IPA phoneme names
print("espeak_Initialize", espeak.espeak_Initialize(2, 0, nil, 3))
print("espeak_SetVoiceByName", espeak.espeak_SetVoiceByName("ja"))

local temp ="const char*[1]")
temp[0] = text
while temp[0] ~= nil do
    -- 1 = UTF-8 mode, 2 = bit 1 = IPA phonetic
    local result = espeak.espeak_TextToPhonemes(ffi.cast("const void**", temp), 1, 2)
    if result == nil then
        print("espeak_TextToPhonemes failed")
    print("espeak_TextToPhonemes", ffi.string(result))
MikuAuahDark commented 1 year ago

Alright, found the issue.

I have to add this

if voice.identifier.startswith('mb'):

Before inserting it to the list of available languages:

In my eSpeak installation, MBROLA voices are listed first. Using LuaJIT, I was able to print list of the voices in order they're listed by espeak_ListVoices:

mb\mb-it2       italian-mbrola-2        it
mb\mb-jp1       japanese-mbrola-1       ja
mb\mb-jp2       japanese-mbrola-2       ja
mb\mb-jp3       japanese-mbrola-3       ja
jpx\ja  Japanese        ja
art\jbo Lojban  jbo