bootphon / phonemizer

Simple text to phones converter for multiple languages
GNU General Public License v3.0
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randomly changes folder to load files from? #152

Open flzpfnove opened 1 year ago

flzpfnove commented 1 year ago

running batch file with:

set "PHONEMIZER_ESPEAK_LIBRARY=%CD%\Espeak NG\libespeak-ng.dll"
echo off
..\Python3.7.8\python.exe %1
pause >nul

prints this to the terminal:

C:\Users\flzha\Desktop\GPT-2\glados-voice\Espeak NG\libespeak-ng.dll
Initializing TTS Engine...
Error processing file '/usr/share/espeak-ng-data\phontab': No such file or directory.
mmmaat commented 1 year ago

Hi, you have a problem with espeak-ng installation, not phonemizer itself. Your espeak-ng-data is weird: a mix of Linux path (/usr/share/espeak-ng-data) and Windows (\phontab).