bootsoon / ng-circle-progress

A simple circle progress component created for Angular based on SVG Graphics.
MIT License
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Progress doesnt update when percent changes #212

Open toalmoal opened 3 months ago

toalmoal commented 3 months ago


First of all, thanks for creating and sharing this beautiful component.

I am trying to use this in an angular 17 project, however when the percentage changes, the component doesnt reflect the change and stays at 0. renderOnClick would force a render, but that defeats the purpose.

The relavent sections of the code are as follows:

<circle-progress [percent]="uploadProgressPercent()" [renderOnClick]="false"></circle-progress>

and in .ts file (i'm using a form to pass on the upload progress atm)

uploadProgressPercent() { const value = _.get(this.formGroup, 'controls.uploadProgressPercent.value'); console.log(value); return value; }

nishk02 commented 1 month ago


I believe passing a method directly as the value for a property in Angular, like [percent]="uploadProgressPercent()", does not create a two-way data binding.

use property instead, <circle-progress [percent]="uploadProgress" [renderOnClick]="false"></circle-progress>

uploadProgres!: any;
constructor() {
uploadProgressPercent() {
  this.uploadProgress = _.get(this.formGroup, 'controls.uploadProgressPercent.value');