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Find a Realworld Quadratic Dataset #1265

Open flannery-denny opened 1 year ago

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago
flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

Massachusetts specific topics that might have interesting data:

Other topics not specific to MA

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

Exponential Growth Datasets

retabak commented 1 year ago

Article (referenced above) is below:


schanzer commented 1 year ago

The covid dataset has wonderful exponential behavior over time, so we're good there. I still couldn't find any quadratic data in those links, so for now I've gone and used a contrived dataset about fuel efficiency at different speeds.

Good enough for now, but we should find better data before the fall release.

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

@schanzer In brainstorming about data tables without time as a variable, I stumbled across these curves for evaporation loss during sprinkler irrigation... a big issue with big ag. water evaporation rate vs temperature

Dog medicine dosage?