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Ethics and Identity overhaul #1382

Open schanzer opened 1 year ago

schanzer commented 1 year ago
flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

Dig into the ethos cycle

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

data science workflow

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

Framing to think about from the ASDA publication

"The tool operationalizes what we understand to be the responsibility of data scientists: to support flourishing and justice. This means supporting the well-being of communities whose data is engaged or whose lives are affected by data science work as well as promoting collaboration and expanding the boundaries of the research community itself. We also recognize that sound workflow is essential to the ability of data scientists to realize this responsibility (Markham Citation2006, Markham, Tiidenberg, and Herman Citation2018)."

"The lifecycle approach presents an effective means of engaging questions about human flourishing and social justice throughout the process of data science work, actively taking into consideration and inviting the feedback loops and iterations that are part of real-world projects. As such, the tool aims to operationalize ethics, instead of merely suggesting ethical principles—a need that researchers of computing ethics have identified (Morley et al. Citation2020; Ayling and Chapman Citation2021). It is our aspiration that the Ethos Lifecycle will contribute constructively to the development of a data science ethos that recognizes a responsible workflow in which practitioners engage with the human and social dimensions of data science."

"One specific advantage of embedded instruction is that it helps students realize what they can do to influence the social consequences of their technical products (Verbeek Citation2006; Christiansen Citation2014; Joyce et al. Citation2018; Markham, Tiidenberg, and Herman Citation2018; Grosz et al. Citation2019; Baumer et al. Citation2022). In the neighboring field of computer science, educators who have experimented with teaching “responsible computing” report that students learn more effectively when they are introduced to ethical issues at the beginning of their study of computer science and are given opportunities to deepen and build on their knowledge throughout their studies (Mentis and Ricks 2021)."

"The lifecycle is motivated by the normative project of supporting the visions and experiences of those who are disempowered in today’s technological societies"

"Rather than conceiving of ethics as being first about avoiding harm, the world-making perspective on ethics and justice begins by asking what world is built by data science, for whom and by whom (for an example of an approach to data ethics that centers avoiding harm, see Janeja Citation2019).

What distinguishes the Ethos Lifecycle are the combination of the commitment to justice, the orientation to data science as world-making, and a primary focus on supporting data science novices as much as seasoned practitioners in the process of learning about ethical contexts and developing a responsible ethos (in contrast to an evaluative or accounting mode).

Co-production says that our ideas about what the world is—as a matter of fact—and what the world ought to be—as a matter of social values—are formed together (Jasanoff Citation2004). Instead of privileging either the role of social forces or technological forces as explanations for the way that the world is, the co-productionist approach considers the symmetrical interplay between social and technical forces in weaving the fabric of the world.

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

ASDA LENSES from Paper



Sociotechnical Systems


flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

relationships among lenses

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago


  1. QUESTION: This stage of the data science lifecycle, Question and Problem Identification, defines the research question to be addressed, ensuring the feasibility and scientific rigor of the project. A research question can emerge from multiple insights: a review of existing literature, direct observation, discussions, and interactions with stakeholder(s): communities, researchers, activists, government officials, corporate managers, etc.
  2. DATA DISCOVERY: In the Data Discovery stage, researchers identify potential data sources, exclude irrelevant, analytically unfit, and ethically questionable data (Data Screening), then transform and integrate these data into a usable dataset (Data Cleaning) to support the next stage: Exploratory Data Analysis. FD - We do this stage of the cycle for our students - perhaps we could more explicitly engage them with the READMEs? But Joy usually had 4-5 students find their own Datasets and did data cleaning of those dataset with the full class, so maybe we should have an additional form for classes that go that far. Joy had them enter fields that could be filtered out 9999 or "na"
  3. ANALYSIS: In the Exploratory Data Analysis stage, researchers investigate specific variables of interest in a dataset. This stage aims to validate whether the research question corresponds with the data collected during Data Discovery.
  4. MODELING: In the Use of Analytical Tools (Modeling) stage, the researcher selects and implements analytical tools based on the research question, the intended utilization of the data to support the research hypothesis, and the assumptions required for a particular statistical method. FD - Perhaps we want to incorporate the word "modeling"?
  5. INTERPRETING: In the Interpreting, Drawing Conclusions, and Making Predictions stage, researchers distill the results of the Use of Analytical Tools (Modeling) stage, but also may consider the results of this stage in the context of many other stages of the lifecycle, and may involve explaining how a result came about or making predictions about how the research question might evolve.
  6. SHARING: The Communication, Dissemination, and Decision Making step involves communicating the results to the research community through conference presentations, journal articles, social media, and other communications venues. This stage also includes communicating results to decision makers, managers, the general public, and other stakeholders – an important element of the research process.



Sociotechnical Systems - FD - I don't think these are particularly relevant to BS students



flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

@schanzer please share links to the June Ahn articles you'd like me to integrate into my thinking. (FYI - I had a phone call with Kathi today about her DS course.)

schanzer commented 1 year ago

Data Science Education -- Identity Book Chapter - Google Docs.pdf @flannery-denny this is not yet published, so please do not share

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

From Book Chapter: framework for how a learner’s emerging occupational identity (Callahan, Ito, Campbell Rea, & Wortman, 2019) as a data scientist could be understood through five components:

  1. one’s self-positioning: Imagining my Possible Self in a Field
  2. competency beliefs: Perceptions of One’s Knowledge and Skills
  3. social capitalRelationships that One Perceives as Beneficial
  4. structural opportunity: Access to Experiences that Learners are Afforded
  5. navigational understanding: : Knowledge to Take Advantage of Opportunities and Engage with Organizations or Institutions
flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

From Kathi: Data about you that search engines gather and draw on Data that devices (cars) collect about you Matrix of domination and four domains of power Notes on responsible computing learning goals for the course (couple of years old, not updated to include power)

flannery-denny commented 11 months ago


flannery-denny commented 10 months ago

@schanzer I think I'm ready to start drafting some of these pages. I'm not sure which lesson to attach them to. Wondering if I should

schanzer commented 10 months ago

@flannery-denny I think an ethics branch is a great idea!

I'd also like to have you and I meet with the guy from ADSA, so you can share your thoughts and plans with him. It might also be a good opportunity for him to hear about the potential overlaps or mis-matches between what they've developed and what we need for K12. Any objection to me sending an email and CCing you?

flannery-denny commented 10 months ago

@schanzer Is it free to add another user to our email ? If it's not a big expense, I would love to have an account called with which to play around with to make some screenshots for workbook pages.


These are the screenshots from Kathi's assignment and I find them pretty hard to read.

schanzer commented 10 months ago

@flannery-denny sorry for the delay on this! I've create an alias: It just redirects to your inbox, but should work for signing up for a service if you want to avoid your named address.

schanzer commented 10 months ago

@flannery-denny just tagging the need for us to send a writeup of options for collaborating with ADSA.