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Running Log of Algebra Ideas #1950

Open schanzer opened 4 months ago

er1c456 commented 4 months ago

From my experience as an Algebra teacher using Bootstrap trying to convince other teachers, combined with low implementation and engagement rates of Algebra training participants:

The Algebra curriculum is now very filled in and everything that has been added is necessary to build a solid foundation for programming by design at the Algebra level. Progressing through our Algebra material is now a full year course.

We advertise a modular, integrate-into-existing-courses experience, but we're actually a house of cards. As we have filled in the Algebra materials, there is no room to teach standardize Algebra unless you leave something out. Yet, it isn't clear what can be taken out without the house falling down.

Integration must be much more front and center and a cornerstone of each lesson and the standard Algebra context needs to be super transparent.

Some examples: