bootstrapworld / curriculum

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Research / talk to teachers to understand how they use Bootstrap and how we can improve #1954

Open schanzer opened 6 months ago

schanzer commented 6 months ago

Here is a link to the Teacher Research Brainstorm google doc that came out of our August 7 meeting

Here is the google sheet where we are brainstorming a list of "diehard" Bootstrap adopters from which to select about 20 for our preliminary round of interviews this fall, which will ideally represent a diverse pool from various states who old a range of positions in "the bootstrap ecosystem at their school"

---- prior issue description is here

JoJoBahnam commented 2 months ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to have the conversation and to put this plan together! Let's feed this into our conversation with Kathi + Joy (August TBD).

schanzer commented 1 month ago

@flannery-denny and @retabak reminder that what you come up with here needs to be ready to present at our August meeting

schanzer commented 1 month ago

@flannery-denny and @retabak nevermind - JoJo says you've already drafted a plan!

flannery-denny commented 1 month ago

reopening this because we haven't interviewed any teachers yet ;) @retabak @joystraub @kfisler @JoJoBahnam and I met today and decided to create two brainstorming documents:

@schanzer we are counting on you to propose a number of potential teachers for us to interview.

schanzer commented 1 month ago

@flannery-denny The columns look good to me. I took a pass at adding folks - let me know if you want me to add more?

flannery-denny commented 1 month ago

@Schanzer @retabak looks like our list only includes type 2 and 4 and there are many states unrepresented.

If there are people who we think would talk to us from other geographies or we would consider to be type 1 [They were sent by admin (school or district) ] or type 3 [They had prior experience with teaching [TOPIC] a different way and wanted to try something different (in which case we want to know what the issue was] we should add them even if they only have one year of bs teaching experience or are running trainings.

I'd love to also add a column for what we know about their school / math department / student demographic to make sure we have some diversity there.