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Supplemental Materials audit #2026

Closed flannery-denny closed 1 week ago

flannery-denny commented 2 weeks ago

I just discovered that the piecewise functions lesson was missing the supplemental materials section even though it had both opt-starterfiles and opt-printable exercises.

Wondering if there are other lessons with this issue? And if there's a faster way to double check than to build and open all of the lessons.

schanzer commented 1 week ago

@ds26gte is this something we could throw a warning for?

schanzer commented 1 week ago

@flannery-denny I spoke with @ds26gte about this, and wrote the following commandline script to check for instances where @opt-printable or @opt-starter-file is used, but the "Supplemental Materials" section is missing:

find lessons -name "index.adoc" -exec grep -rL '@opt\-' {} \; | xargs grep 'Supplemental\ Materials'

It appears this was the only such lesson, so I'm closing.