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@indented issue with slides? -> Refactor directives #2133

Closed schanzer closed 1 month ago

schanzer commented 1 month ago

In exploring-logarithmic-models slide 44, it looks like something is being processed incorrectly...


Here's the asciidoc:

== Additional Exercises

For more practice transforming data and programming with filters: 

@opt-printable-exercise{transforming-wealth-practice.adoc} is a guided activity that repeats the Data Science and Linearization techniques used here, but with the idea of exploring the relationship of universal healthcare with respect to wealth and median lifespan.

@strategy{Coming Soon!}{

We are working on collecting more datasets that can be modeled with logarithmic functions so that we can offer students more practice with using linear regression to build logarithmic models.
flannery-denny commented 1 month ago

The last time we discussed the fact that @indented was breaking things with slides we decided that it should be treated as a no-op

schanzer commented 1 month ago

Additional debugging! It has to do with the @strategy directive. Changing it to something else resolves the issue:

== Additional Exercises

For more practice transforming data and programming with filters: 

@opt-printable-exercise{transforming-wealth-practice.adoc} is a guided activity that repeats the Data Science and Linearization techniques used here, but with the idea of exploring the relationship of universal healthcare with respect to wealth and median lifespan.


We are working on collecting more datasets that can be modeled with logarithmic functions so that we can offer students more practice with using linear regression to build logarithmic models.
ds26gte commented 1 month ago

Note that using @pd-slide in the last Additional exercises creates other problems, viz., because it creates a new last slide.

schanzer commented 1 month ago

@ds26gte this seems to have broken other stuff. Here's the result of running the revised script on exploring-logarithmic-models. Note that slides 43 and 44 are now blank, 45 is missing a title, and 46 and 47 are also blank when using @strategy.

Did you check out the MKD file? Here's what it shows:


{layout="Math Title and Body"}


{layout="Math Title and Body"}



- Why is the <b><i>S-value</i></b> for our logarithmic model the same as the <b><i>S-value</i></b> for our linear model after transforming?
- Why were our coefficients for linear and logarithmic models the same, even though they were for different terms?
- Why do you think the relationship between wealth and median lifespan is logarithmic?
- Suppose all the tech companies in the Bay Area (Google, Apple, Facebook, etc.) decided to secede and form their own country with a `pc-gdp` far, far beyond the range of the rest of the data. Would it be appropriate to use our model to predict the `median-lifespan` for their employees? Why or why not?


{layout="Math Title and Body"}


{layout="Math Title and Body"}

You may want to confirm the MKD file looks right before future commits.

schanzer commented 1 month ago

@flannery-denny and @retabak This issues has been changed and retitled, and I wanted to document why:

This feels like a minor issue, since it's only ever come up in this one lesson. And in fact, some of the work Dorai did allows us to still do this is we truly need to, but in general we should avoid this.