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Finalize pathways for grades 5-8 #574

Open flannery-denny opened 3 years ago

flannery-denny commented 3 years ago

For any lesson that is getting modified, make a copy, prefix it em-, save it in the early math folder.

All lessons should be self-contained. Nobody should ever have to teach part of a lesson. Currently some materials meet 5th grade goals, but 5th graders couldn't do the full lesson based on where they'll be at with math or whether the programming investment is worth it for that portion of a lesson.

Lessons we've identified as ones we'd like to add in grade level pathways and can be done easily(see #1374)

Lesson we've identified as ones we'd like to add in grade level pathways but may have to wait

Once Early Math Lessons include programming components (which all use strings and images!), it makes sense to start with ds-intro, simple-datatypes, and contracts.

Other possibilities

schanzer commented 1 year ago

@flannery-denny and @retabak Thanks for fleshing this out! A few comments about each of your proposed changes:

Order of Operations - right now that lesson is a "kitchen sink" for BS:A, which includes a million extra pages for various math levels. The Early Math pathway does a much better job of digging deep into what Circles should look like for various levels. I'd like you to think instead about getting rid of this lesson entirely, replacing it with either a lesson from Early Math or a new lesson that bridges from Early Math to Algebra

Contracts - don't make a new one, please. Just take out the non-grade-level stuff from out existing contracts page. OR - crazy idea - redo this lesson so it matches the structure of the DS-contracts lesson. I'd love to return to a world where those two pathways share a lesson, and the only difference is which contracts are used to bridge to Circles. Happy to go into more depth on this, if you want to add it to our meetign agenda.

Contracts for Tables and Displays - Little kids can sort and count. Why bother taking these out?

Making Game Images - if we're not having younger students write functions, then they're not going to be able to make the game at all.

Flags - defining values isn't the hard part here. Composing and nesting is. Removing defining values actually makes the hard part harder. I think we need a completely different lesson here, and I'd want to better understand the learning goals before we pull the trigger.

DS lessons - if we're already having them learn contracts, why do we need to provide them with code?

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

@schanzer I think you've misunderstood our proposal. We should discuss in a meeting.

More specifically:

schanzer commented 1 year ago

@flannery-denny I'm sold on the game screenshot starter file. No need to wait for me to add that.

Sounds like the rest needs a curriculum-team discussion, so I've added it to our agenda.

retabak commented 1 year ago

@flannery-denny - Emmanuel and I chatted about this offline and discovered some philosophical differences that we agreed to has out during next team meeting with you present!