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Ideas for New Datasets #756

Open flannery-denny opened 2 years ago

flannery-denny commented 2 years ago

When our dataset library is usable for teachers to translate into action steps, provide scaffolding for actions they could take with their classes.

Old thoughts on this: The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies Should be considered in the context of #688

US Bus Depot Environmental Justice Dataset from the electric school bus initiative ` The Urban Environment and Social Inclusion Index (UESI) is a first-of-its-kind tool that leverages high-resolution, large-scale data to reveal how cities perform at the intersection of environment and social equity.

Perhaps there's something useful from RadicalMath or Subak Climate Data Coperative

There's a lot of interesting stuff in (FIFA! Star trek! Astronomy! World Music! Diamonds! So much more!)

Kathi offered to reach out to folks at Brown (Choices, Slavery & Justice) Shriram offered to reach out to

Resource with targeted & cleaned datasets: - there's a photosynthesis dataset

Passengers on the Titanic

Incomplete Datasets from Jen/Ed that could be finished

Possible Long Haul Covid resource: survivorcorps

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

Hello, while I understand Bootstrap is US-based, it would be great for more datasets to be less US-centric, also for the benefit of students in the States and their worldview. In talking to colleagues, it is also evident that many teach students who have recently come to the US from other places and would perhaps find something more relevant to their interests in a wider variety of datasets, and perhaps a way to share more about themselves and contribute more domain knowledge to the class discussion.

For example, World cities & Pollution/Living standard/Traffic/Density/Cyclists & Cycle paths/Housing prices & availability/… Countries & Gun policies/Drug policies/Shooting deaths/Crime/Incarceration rates Countries & Voting rates/Democracy rating/Press outlets & restrictions/Social media use & restrictions Countries & Budget spending %ages/PISA performance/Happiness index/Immigration UEFA Champions League soccer & Team budgets or World Cup teams & Player earnings/Club info or World ATP Tennis stats

Thanks for considering!

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

i enjoy graphs from new york times weekly discussion forum about social justice, climate change, and historic to modern trends.

My students are all for mental health, nutrition and spreading rates of viral content.

flannery-denny commented 1 year ago

chicago & nyc real estate tax case study from ASDA

schanzer commented 8 months ago

Shriram forwarded this resource, which has tons of assessment data from across the US: