Booz Allen's lean manufacturing approach for holistically designing, developing and fielding AI solutions across the engineering lifecycle from data processing to model building, tuning, and training to secure operational deployment
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Feature: Create Baton migration to update project specific image name changes in downstream OSS projects #111
In Issue-75, we updated the naming convention for project specific images generated in aiSSEMBLE downstream projects. This ticket will create a baton migration script to update the image names in downstream projects that were generated using any aiSSEMBLE version before 1.7.0.
Impacted Images:
[x] Create baton migration (see bdd scenario below)
[x] Update any documentation that references old image names for images listed above in the description
[x] Update Release Notes
BDD Test Scenario
Scenario: Upgrade aiSSEMBLE project specific image names
Given a new downstream maven project "new-downstream-project"
And a values file with the older project specific image naming convention
When the project specific image name change migration executes
Then the values file is updated to use new project specific image naming convention
Scenario: Skipping image name migration if image does not contain the pattern "boozallen/<project-name>"
Given a new downstream maven project "new-downstream-project"
And a values file with a non project specific image
When the project specific image name change migration executes
Then the values file project specific image name change migration is skipped
Test Strategy/Script
ℹ️ In Progress
Make sure the dev aiSSEMBLE branch is up-to-date and build the project (mvn clean install)
Run the archetype plugin with the following commands to create a downstream project using the aiSSEMBLE version 1.6.1:
- Create a json file, `SimpleDataDeliveryExample.json` in issue-111-data-delivery/issue-111-data-delivery-pipeline-models/src/main/resources/pipelines and add the following contents:
- Create a json file, `ExampleMachineLearningPipeline.json` in issue-111-data-delivery/issue-111-data-delivery-pipeline-models/src/main/resources/pipelines and add the following contents:
- Ensure you are connected to the vpn and build the project from the root - `mvn clean install`
- Perform the manual actions and rebuild (`mvn clean install`) until there are no more manual actions
- Update the root pom.xml build-parent version to `1.7.0-SNAPSHOT`
- Remove the following line from the issue-111-deploy pom.xml
- `<version>${version.clean.plugin}</version>`
- Run `mvn clean install -DoldHelmRepositoryUrl=<old-helm-url>`
- Can get the old helm chart url from the s3-local chart
- The build will fail at the simple data delivery pipeline due to a new migration (We are figuring out the best guidance to handle the migration to the pom file). Kick the build off again: `mvn clean install -rf :simple-data-delivery-example -DoldHelmRepositoryUrl=<old-helm-url>`
- Inspect the following files (all lines inspected below should not have "boozallen" except the hive-metastore-service):
- `issue-111-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/airflow/values.yaml`
- Validate that the `defaultAirflowRepository` field has`.../aiops/issue-111-airflow-docker` **without** `boozallen/`
- `issue-111-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/aissemble-machine-learning-inference/values.yaml`
- Validate it contains the line: `name: issue-111-aissemble-machine-learning-inference-docker`
- `issue-111-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/aissemble-machine-learning-training-image/aissemble-machine-learning-training-image.yaml`
- Validate it contains the line: `image: issue-111-aissemble-machine-learning-training-docker`
- `issue-111-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/hive-metastore-service/values.yaml`
- Validate it contains the line: `name: boozallen/aissemble-hive-service`
- `issue-111-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/policy-decision-point/values.yaml`
- Validate it contains the line: `name: issue-111-policy-decision-point-docker`
- `issue-111-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/spark-worker-image/spark-worker-image.yaml`
- Validate it contains the line: `image: issue-111-spark-worker-docker`
- `issue-111-pipelines/simple-data-delivery-example/src/main/resources/apps/simple-data-delivery-example-base-values.yaml`
- Validate it contains the line: `image: "issue-111-spark-worker-docker:latest"`
- `TiltFile`
- Search for `boozallen/` and validate there are no results
In Issue-75, we updated the naming convention for project specific images generated in aiSSEMBLE downstream projects. This ticket will create a baton migration script to update the image names in downstream projects that were generated using any aiSSEMBLE version before 1.7.0. Impacted Images:
BDD Test Scenario
Test Strategy/Script
ℹ️ In Progress
cd issue-111
{ "name":"SimpleDataDeliveryExample", "package":"com.boozallen.aissemble.documentation", "type":{ "name":"data-flow", "implementation":"data-delivery-spark", "executionHelpers": ["airflow"] }, "steps":[ { "name":"IngestData", "type":"synchronous", "dataProfiling":{ "enabled":false } } ] }
{ "name": "ExampleMachineLearningPipeline", "package": "com.boozallen.aissemble", "type": { "name": "machine-learning", "implementation": "machine-learning-mlflow" }, "steps": [ { "name": "AissembleMachineLearningTraining", "type": "training", "inbound": { "type": "messaging", "channelName": "train" } }, { "name": "AissembleMachineLearningInference", "type": "inference" } ] }