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[#373] use .Chart.AppVersion for image tags in custom charts #455
We have a pattern where we use the maven replacer plugin and a templatized values.yaml file to inject the project version at build time into our charts. This is the only way to provide the aissemble version as the image tag to a subchart. However, in many of the cases we've applied this pattern, the chart or the subchart is actually a custom chart made by us. This means we can simply modify the chart's template files to default the tag to the Chart version, which is set dynamically at build time. This is greatly preferred as it's much more simple and standard Helm, and it avoids build cache issues. (E.g., if the Quarkus chart is cached, only the templatized values file exists on rebuild causing errors in charts that depend on the Quarkus chart.
We have a pattern where we use the maven replacer plugin and a templatized
file to inject the project version at build time into our charts. This is the only way to provide the aissemble version as the image tag to a subchart. However, in many of the cases we've applied this pattern, the chart or the subchart is actually a custom chart made by us. This means we can simply modify the chart's template files to default the tag to the Chart version, which is set dynamically at build time. This is greatly preferred as it's much more simple and standard Helm, and it avoids build cache issues. (E.g., if the Quarkus chart is cached, only the templatized values file exists on rebuild causing errors in charts that depend on the Quarkus chart.