boozallen / argo

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RealTime Analytics mode simulations don't support pure column or row references (i.e. "A:A", "1:1", "A:C") #16

Open esgoff opened 7 years ago

esgoff commented 7 years ago

I've successfully run the demo Excel file on your website, but when I try to run my own model I get this error. The work around to switching to Native Excel does work but it runs extremely slowly. What can I change in my model to avoid this problem? Using the workaround Native Excel is so slow it is not a viable option. Thanks so much for any help!

[Excel 15x86;CLR 4.0.30319.42000] System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

at ArgoXllDev.RegisterUDFLib.__Argo_BuildPrecedents__() at ArgoXllDev.PrecedentMiner.BuildPrecedentChain() at ArgoXllDev.ExcelAddressUtil.ParsePositionInfo(String arg, IntPtr defaultsheetid, Int32& r1, Int32& r2, Int32& c1, Int32& c2, String& workbook, String& worksheet) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)

blakeboswell commented 7 years ago

As a reference, this issue looks similar to an (unresolved) issue brought to the google group:!topic/argo-users/1djK7cn9M74

todd-skinner commented 7 years ago

This error seems to occur if there are ranges that select entire columns or rows (i.e. "A:A", "1:1", "A:C", etc) and Argo does not support that format. Please format your references to explicitly include columns and rows so that only the cells in use are selected. For example, use something like "A1:B20" instead of "A:B". We will be pushing out an update later today that will catch this error and return a more useful error message that lists the references which need to be changed. I'll update this thread when it is released.

todd-skinner commented 7 years ago

The latest version (4.1.3) is now released. You can use your download link to get it.