boozook / playdate

Playdate Build Tools and API
MIT License
133 stars 8 forks source link

Fix assets planning should be compile-kind agnostic #380

Closed boozook closed 2 months ago

boozook commented 2 months ago

Following #376

To reproduce:

  1. prepare package with
    • lib
    • more then one bins, including as auto-target
    • some example(s)
  2. run:
    cargo build -p=cargo-playdate && \
    CARGO_PLAYDATE_LOG="trace" RUST_LOG="trace" ./target/debug/cargo-playdate assets -vvv \
    --target-dir=./target-dev-test \
    -p=test-workspace-main-crate \
    --manifest-path=${PREPARED_PACKAGE_FROM_STEP_1}/Cargo.toml \
    --target=thumbv7em-none-eabihf --target=your-host-target \
    -- --examples --bins --lib # or --all-targets