Closed chiaravol closed 1 year ago
How can I access each regionalized mean to plot them separately as subplot?
The template already shows how to loop over each region:
for lats, da in da_daily.groupby("latitudes"):
If you need to access a specific one:
da_daily.sel(latitudes="(90, 60)")
For the plot you are looking for, ideally you could use xarray's one liner:
da_daily.plot(col="latitudes", col_wrap=3) # use hue="latitudes" instead of col/col_wrap for a single plot
Because you also want to add filtered values, you might want to do something like this:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
for ax, (lats, da) in zip(axes.flatten(), da_daily.groupby("latitudes")):
ax.plot(da["time"], da.values.squeeze(), label="daily")
da_rolled = da.rolling(time=window, min_periods=1).mean()
da_rolled["time"], da_rolled.values.squeeze(), label=f"{window}-day running"
Thanks for your help Mattia!
Could you please run the code over the entire period? Here the notebook: ocean_color (1)
I've revised the template and cached the whole period available.
Please use the latest template from now on.
I've also added a couple of functions to plot the timeseries. Usage is: plot_daily(da, window=180, ...)
, where you can pass any plotting arguments.
Here is the template: Here is the notebook executed:
Please let me know if everything works well.
It works well. Thank you
Notebook description
Hi, I need to download and spatially average ocean color data stored in NetCDF files. Everything seemed to work fine, but when performing a spatial weighted mean over a longer dataset I have this error message "The kernel for Ocean_color_v6.ipynb appears to have died. It will restart automatically".
Notebook link or upload
Anything else we need to know?
I had to stringify netCDF files dates when updating the request.
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