boratanrikulu / eternity

A minimalist Hugo theme designed for portfolio sites.
MIT License
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Questions about your theme #5

Closed pokemaster974 closed 1 year ago

pokemaster974 commented 1 year ago

Hi @boratanrikulu sorry if it's not the good place (it's not really an issue) but I thought that other people could have the same questions.

I've developped a personnal website with Hugo and your theme. This is the first "initial" deploy of it :


First of all, I will tell you the modifications I've made from your theme. Maybe it could give you ideas for improvements :

img.logo { border-radius: 0%; height: 100%; }

/ I've removed the border-radius because with 50% (default) it will "cut" the border of non-circle logo /

- adding a 404.html file into layout folder to localize the error page (and copying this content into nil/single.html because on rare occasions it loads the default 404 page instead my custom 404 page, *I don't know why exactly*).

{{ partial "header.html" . }}

{{ partial "navbar.html" . }}

Page non trouvée


Retour à la case départ
{{ partial "footer.html" . }} ``` - modifying partials/slides/meta.html to have a better "localization" of the format date : ```

{{ .ctx.Page.Date.Format "2 January 2006" }}

{{ else }}

{{ with (index $.imgs 0).Exif }}

{{ .Date.Format "2 January 2006" }}

{{ end }}

``` I've tried to localize perfectly to french "conventions" with [this template code]( but never success. If I just change `2 January 2006` with `:date_full` it will literally write ":date_full" on the page. If I try to use the complete template `{{ .Date | time.Format ":date_full" }} `or `{{ .ctx.Page..Date | time.Format ":date_full" }}` it will break all the website. - I've added a html code into partials/slides/slider.html to inform visitors that they can click on the pictures to open the viewer : ```
{{ . }}
{{ end }}
N'hésitez pas à cliquer sur les images pour ouvrir la visionneuse
``` ## Questions Now my questions : - does the website loads indefinitively the pictures, for example into the /work page or can we add a maximum pictures loaded ? - how are displayed the pictures ? I've loaded several times and I've done a full reload, but it seems to have always the same order, and the posts with the smallest weight (1 in my case) are not even loaded into the first place on my /work page. I was hoping the smalles weight will be displayed first, and randomly. - where do you think it's the best place to store the pictures ? In my case, I've added folders into the "asset" folder and call them from the page with something like this : ``` images: /images/aerien/_CYS0486_.jpg ``` I've tried to add them into static or ressources but without success or not also easy than this "asset" method. - at the beginning of my coding, I was planned to made one post with several pictures (like an album) but if we add `multipleColumn: true` all pictures wil be aligned only on one line even if they are 6 or more pictures into the post. I could add `multipleColumn: true` but I don't find very attractive. I don't know if we can add a viewer which let use configure the number of max columns et let us navigate to the "album" post with left and right arrows. Sorry for this long post, but hoping we can discuss about it. Regards.
pokemaster974 commented 1 year ago

For the order, I guess it could be because of this code into colums.html : {{ $posts = sort $posts ".Params.weight" "desc" }}

It seems coherent with my reports, as the higher weights seem to be displayed fisrt. It seems in contradiction with the docs page of hugo :

Lower weight gets higher precedence. So content with lower weight will come first.

pokemaster974 commented 1 year ago

As I understand, random ordering for content with same weight can't be displayed randomly because of Hugo is static site generator. I can deal with this.

But do you know if all the contents are loaded even if I don't scroll the page ? If yes, what do you think about a pagination to have a maximum content loaded in the first page ? If I check the lighthouse report of my page the recommandation is :

Avoid enormous network payloads - Total size was 5,950 KiB

boratanrikulu commented 1 year ago

But do you know if all the contents are loaded even if I don't scroll the page ?

Lazy Load is implemented. So, only visible (a bit more) content will be loaded. You can test it by checking network page in your browser.

boratanrikulu commented 1 year ago

Lower weight gets higher precedence. So content with lower weight will come first.

I disagree. If we use "asc", it will be harder for long-term theme usage. Let's say you have 10 posts, they have weights and you want to add a new post and make it most important post; in case we use "asc", you need to update other posts' weights too. In case we use "desc", you can just use higher value for the weight.

pokemaster974 commented 1 year ago

Lower weight gets higher precedence. So content with lower weight will come first.

I disagree. If we use "asc", it will be harder for long-term theme usage. Let's say you have 10 posts, they have weights and you want to add a new post and make it most important post; in case we use "asc", you need to update other posts' weights too. In case we use "desc", you can just use higher value for the weight.

As you can use negative weights, it's not really true that we are "blocked" by using "asc" because in your example you could easily go to both directions. But I understand your point of view.

pokemaster974 commented 1 year ago

But do you know if all the contents are loaded even if I don't scroll the page ?

Lazy Load is implemented. So, only visible (a bit more) content will be loaded. You can test it by checking network page in your browser.

Checked and yes, I saw that some images are only loaded after the scroll. Thanks for the clarification about this !

boratanrikulu commented 1 year ago

at the beginning of my coding, I was planned to made one post with several pictures (like an album) but if we add multipleColumn: true all pictures wil be aligned only on one line even if they are 6 or more pictures into the post. I could add multipleColumn: true but I don't find very attractive. I don't know if we can add a viewer which let use configure the number of max columns et let us navigate to the "album" post with left and right arrows.

The theme supports using multiple pictures. multipleColumn: true puts them all to a single row. If it's false, all of them will be in a single column. Currently gallery is not supported. Only single-rowor single-column is supported. multipleColumn: true is useful for 2-3 pictures, like this one, or this one

Example without multipleColumn;

boratanrikulu commented 1 year ago

where do you think it's the best place to store the pictures ? In my case, I've added folders into the "asset" folder and call them from the page with something like this :

Yes I think using assets/ folder is okay for current version. But there's a new approach called Page Bundle by @dgoodwin. If we merge the approach, you will be able to use folders for posts.

boratanrikulu commented 1 year ago

.menu { max-width: 1200px; } / I've grown the max-width to prevent navbar to take 2 lines when we add tags in menu /

I guess this change will lead to a responsive issue.

img.logo { border-radius: 0%; height: 100%; } / I've removed the border-radius because with 50% (default) it will "cut" the border of non-circle logo /

I've developped a personnal website with Hugo and your theme. This is the first "initial" deploy of it :

Great! It's good to see you use the theme. As I see there are some responsive issues on mobile, I guess it's not caused by the theme, maybe some overwrite-changes?

adding a 404.html file into layout folder to localize the error page (and copying this content into nil/single.html because on rare occasions it loads the default 404 page instead my custom 404 page, I don't know why exactly).

Hmm, I don't understand this. So it randomly loads your custom or default 404 page?

modifying partials/slides/meta.html to have a better "localization" of the format date :

I've added a html code into partials/slides/slider.html to inform visitors that they can click on the pictures to open the viewer :

I think no need to add this information to Slider. I think it's obvious they're clickable.

boratanrikulu commented 1 year ago

does the website loads indefinitively the pictures, for example into the /work page or can we add a maximum pictures loaded ?

There's no a limit. But like I said,
I think post count should not be a problem

boratanrikulu commented 1 year ago

how are displayed the pictures ? I've loaded several times and I've done a full reload, but it seems to have always the same order, and the posts with the smallest weight (1 in my case) are not even loaded into the first place on my /work page. I was hoping the smalles weight will be displayed first, and randomly.

Random is not supported. You can use Hugo's sorting methods

boratanrikulu commented 1 year ago

I guess I answered all questions.

I'll check later for these;

pokemaster974 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your replies. Yes I need to check it again because I'm surely doing wrong job when trying to customize your theme.

I've find best theme and yours is the only one adapt to a photos' portfolio so hoping you could improve it even if it's already a very good theme for photographer. I'm happy to help you (if I can) !

boratanrikulu commented 1 year ago

Via 1.3.7 version

":date_long" is used as time format

disableRadius variable is added to disable logo's radius. You can check example config or docs.

pokemaster974 commented 1 year ago

Via 1.3.7 version

* time.Format usage

":date_long" is used as time format

* radius

disableRadius variable is added to disable logo's radius. You can check example config or docs.

Thanks for this update.